72 Owners Manual question

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  • Jeff W.
    • November 1, 2005
    • 272

    72 Owners Manual question

    When I had my car judged the Interior judge said that I had a reprint owners manual, a very good one, but a reprint. Did not get to ask many questions about it though. I bought one the other day that was suppose to be an original (luckily did not pay too much) and there are a couple of things that my "original" has that it doesnt>
    1. Mine has a yellow sheet for the corvette news
    2. Between pages 38 and 39 there are 3 sheets of pink paper on Safety Checks.
    Does anyone know about the original details of this manual? I am including some pictures.
    Attached Files
  • Jeff W.
    • November 1, 2005
    • 272

    Re: 72 Owners Manual question

    Here is the last picture
    Attached Files


    • John L.
      • October 1, 1996
      • 159

      Re: 72 Owners Manual question

      Hey Jeff,
      Maybe your manual was too nice looking.
      My 71 manual (Original) is looking worn now. I also have the pink sheets in the center (mine has 4 sheets). from looking at your photos it appears that GM used the same photos on page 38. My manual does not have the yellow sheet, nor can I see where one was removed from the manual.
      How many points did you loose?


      • Jeff W.
        • November 1, 2005
        • 272

        Re: 72 Owners Manual question

        I lost a total of 5 points, but that was for various things. I think I will copy my original e-mail and send to the 70-72 lead judge as I was suprised at the lack of response to my questions. I feel that what we have, with the pink sheets, is original. I have not seen any reprints with them.


        • Dave S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 1, 1992
          • 2911

          Re: 72 Owners Manual question

          Originally posted by Jeff Wilson (44821)
          I lost a total of 5 points, but that was for various things. I think I will copy my original e-mail and send to the 70-72 lead judge as I was suprised at the lack of response to my questions. I feel that what we have, with the pink sheets, is original. I have not seen any reprints with them.
          What you have may be what I call a Helm, Inc. reissue manual. If so it would have been made by the original OEM manufacturer (Helm) but was reissued by them for the Chevrolet service departments. There are slight differences between those and originals mainly in the area of photo quality. It takes a trained eye to tell the difference.
          If that is what you have it may be the reason that a 1 point deduct would have been made for the manual.
          As there are several pieces that make up a glovebox package and not very many total points you need to look at the entire item to determine point deductions. When I judge the glovebox package I do not give condition points for missing items.
          Hope that helps


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