Coupe Rear Exhauster Operation

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  • Michael S.
    • June 8, 2007
    • 82

    Coupe Rear Exhauster Operation

    I am reworking the rear exhauster on my 1965 coupe in order to improve its operation for PV testing at Kissimmee. I have already replaced the control cable and lubricated it. The exhauster works ok in all three speeds and it does not operate (as designed) when the heater fan is on. But when you operate (pull in and out) the control knob, I feel like it operates too hard. There are no detent positions for opening the vent, and for the low, medium, and high fan speeds. Does anyone know how easily this should operate? Should the exhauster control operate as easily as the kick panel vent pulls? Also, I was thinking about replacing the control switch located on the blower. The one I have has "INDAK" markings on it. Where can you get a replacement switch? Thanks for any help.
  • Don H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1981
    • 1469

    Re: Coupe Rear Exhauster Operation

    I can't tell you what the standard for a PV is. I assume it would operate harder than a vent pull as it has further to go and has more curves in the routing. It has been a long time since I had one apart but I thought the detents were created in the lever the cable pulls. Don H.


    • Mike M.
      NCRS Past President
      • June 1, 1974
      • 8331

      Re: Coupe Rear Exhauster Operation

      the length, age(oxidation) and bends in the boden cable have always reulted in greater effort to pull and push the exhaust assembly. don't recall any detents in our 65 coupes.if you can get all three fans speeds to work, , Dale will probably approve of its function.mike


      • Dan H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 1, 1977
        • 1361

        Re: Coupe Rear Exhauster Operation

        Hi, my understanding when I PV'd my 64 Coupe was to use only one hand to engage and then disengage the fan speeds. There are 4 steps in the opening sequence: vent flap slightly open, low, medium, high speed fan operation. There is a roller with a retainer on the operating lever. Check the AIM to see details of the linkage etc. It will work stiff, but must go step by step for each speed. Good luck!!!
        1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
        Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


        • Michael S.
          • June 8, 2007
          • 82

          Re: Coupe Rear Exhauster Operation

          Thanks for all the replies, this has helped me out.


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