64 New Seat Springs ? - NCRS Discussion Boards

64 New Seat Springs ?

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  • M W.
    • July 31, 2001
    • 835

    64 New Seat Springs ?

    Hi all,

    I am now getting ready to replace my worn out seat springs and wondered whats the easiest way to bend the new ones to fit? When they arrived from the vendor they were all rounded together. Can you simply take them apart and install with the rounded portion up so it gives you a more comfortable sitting area or should they actually be flat across? Any help is appreciated.

  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 1976
    • 4547

    Re: 64 New Seat Springs ?


    Sounds like you need to purchase you a new set of foam to go along with those new springs.



    • M W.
      • July 31, 2001
      • 835

      Re: 64 New Seat Springs ?

      Joe, I appreciate the info but I don't see how this helps me with my question.



      • Alan D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • December 31, 2004
        • 2018

        Re: 64 New Seat Springs ?

        The following may not be clear but here goes;

        The ends of the springs start out by going in a downward direction (roadway is down) for a short distance (first two curves) then they curve upward and continue in an arched manner. This design is most noticeable on the first three springs (count from back). The spring then continues in a long arch which goes up - I assume that's what you were talking about.


        • M W.
          • July 31, 2001
          • 835

          Re: 64 New Seat Springs ?

          Alan and others, I started to replace several of the springs trying to follow the same bend in the springs of the orignals and it appears that the spring's overall height is much greater than the originals. I assume this is because they are new. What concerns me is trying to fit the original seat covers over these new springs. What actually pulls down or pushes down on these other than the weight of the occupant sitting on the seats? The arch is very extreme compared to the originals. Seems very odd.
          Help is appreciated and most definetly needed.



          • Steven L.
            • August 16, 2012
            • 6

            Re: 64 New Seat Springs ?

            Hi Craig, I see you did not get an answer back in 2008 to this question. I am at the same point today what did you figure out about the bends?


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