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  • Jim H.
    • April 1, 2002
    • 112

    Hello everyone

    I figured I would renew my NCRS account after 4 years away. I recently moved away from California to Chicago Suburbs. I am in dire need of some help to move my car off of the frame onto a body dolly. I had to quickly/carefully put the body onto a dolly for the ride out to chicago in an enclosed trailer.

    Hopefully, some of you can help me out with my restoration project.

    here is the current status of my car.

  • Tom D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 1, 1981
    • 2102

    Body Dolly vs. On Frame ride

    I would lower it back on the frame for the ride. Do you have the frame in CA?

    Michigan Chapter
    Tom Dingman


    • Jim H.
      • April 1, 2002
      • 112

      Re: Hello everyone

      The car is sitting on the frame. The picture was taken before the car was put onto the frame. The body was one the frame during the move. I need to remove the body off of the frame onto a body dolly and put the body away so I can work on finishing the chassis.

      All we were able to do was to get the chassis rolling without motor/transmission before we moved to Illinois.


      • Joel F.
        • May 1, 2004
        • 659

        Re: Hello everyone


        I live in Oswego (west of Naperville). Where is the car and when are you planning on doing the project? I'd like to help if I can make it (I have a couple of young kids so my schedule is actually theirs).



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