68 splash shield answers yes or no - NCRS Discussion Boards

68 splash shield answers yes or no

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  • Grant W.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1987
    • 407

    Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

    Originally posted by Joseph Koehler (49378)
    I have a 69 built in April. The Shields look like the 68 but they are white as they go vertical along the firewall. Was there insulation on them in 1969 also?? Mine has no insulation....
    Hi Joseph
    I use to own a 69 435hp coupe built in Sept 69. It had the white splash plastic shield, blanket insulation and the rectangle pan under neath. Hope this helps. Grant


    • Chuck R.
      • April 30, 1999
      • 1434

      Re: Wow! Thanks for the hits Guys

      Fire wall repairs 12 2008.JPG

      What a great response! I very much appreciate it.

      One oddity I have with my setup is that there appear to be no riveted studs on the firewall where the upper tabs whould attach.

      Stranger and stranger.....

      Attached are pics of both sides of my firewall.
      Attached Files


      • Grant W.
        Very Frequent User
        • November 30, 1987
        • 407

        Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

        HI Chuck
        I just got an email from my friend Terry and he has a May car and his is just like John Carlson's car.."It has the large insulation blanket and the trianglular shields only. It does not have the large rectangular metal shields that cover the back portion of the insulation or the the white plasitic shields that came later"
        My car is serial 218XX June 8th final assembly and it is just like my friends Terry's car and like John Carlson's car.
        The original 17000 mile car built mid to late June serial 248XX had the plastic shield, triangle shield and the square shields.
        So with your car being serial number at 23000 then maybe GM started to put all the shields on after serial 24000. That is my guess.

        I do have the Chevrolet Dealer Service Technical Bulletin so the Underbody protective shields for heat insulation package-1968 Corvette. It only shows the parts needed. Does not say when it is added to serial number of car.

        I also have a Tech bulletin for the Heat insulation as insulation pads were added to the rear stow-age compartments starting with Serial S409315 and the addition of heat insulation pads to underbody starting with Serial S409939
        Thanks, Grant


        • Joseph K.
          • August 26, 2008
          • 407

          Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

          I have looked in allot of catalogs and i have not seen the insulation sold that is to go above the shields. Does any one know were the correct insulation is sold for this area. thanks Joe


          • Grant W.
            Very Frequent User
            • November 30, 1987
            • 407

            Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

            Hi Joseph
            Paragon has it. part number 2061 LH 68-E69 2060 RH 68-E69 29.00 each Page 135 Index is underbody. Thanks, grant


            • Joseph K.
              • August 26, 2008
              • 407

              Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

              Thanks for the info



              • Chuck R.
                • April 30, 1999
                • 1434

                Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

                Originally posted by Grant Wong (12133)
                HI Chuck
                I just got an email from my friend Terry and he has a May car and his is just like John Carlson's car.."It has the large insulation blanket and the trianglular shields only. It does not have the large rectangular metal shields that cover the back portion of the insulation or the the white plasitic shields that came later"
                My car is serial 218XX June 8th final assembly and it is just like my friends Terry's car and like John Carlson's car.
                The original 17000 mile car built mid to late June serial 248XX had the plastic shield, triangle shield and the square shields.
                So with your car being serial number at 23000 then maybe GM started to put all the shields on after serial 24000. That is my guess.

                I do have the Chevrolet Dealer Service Technical Bulletin so the Underbody protective shields for heat insulation package-1968 Corvette. It only shows the parts needed. Does not say when it is added to serial number of car.

                I also have a Tech bulletin for the Heat insulation as insulation pads were added to the rear stow-age compartments starting with Serial S409315 and the addition of heat insulation pads to underbody starting with Serial S409939
                Thanks, Grant
                Lots of good information there Grant, thanks for the leg work.
                If I understand this correctly, the shields only partially covered the lower portion of the insulation and the upper portion was left exposed.

                Looks like I have options as to which way I want to go and none of them would be deemed "incorrect".

                Thanks again for the input folks,



                • Dave F.
                  • November 30, 2003
                  • 508

                  Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

                  My June-built L79 shark had both triangular and rectangular metal shields but showed no insulation remains at all. If you need photos of the shields, let me know and I'll email them to you.


                  • Chuck R.
                    • April 30, 1999
                    • 1434

                    Re: 68 splash shield answers yes or no

                    Originally posted by Dave Fleeman (41052)
                    My June-built L79 shark had both triangular and rectangular metal shields but showed no insulation remains at all. If you need photos of the shields, let me know and I'll email them to you.
                    I'll take all the shots I can get Daver.




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