muffler hanger

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  • Randy R.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1983
    • 477

    muffler hanger

    I ordered a kit to rebuild the rear exhaust hangers on my 67. The belting is too thin and the rivets are too short.
    Where can I find an accurate reproduction hanger or a better rebuild kit? I think I can find some belting locally if neccessary but have no source for the rivets.

    Any ideas?

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: muffler hanger

    Originally posted by Randy Renfandt (6423)
    I ordered a kit to rebuild the rear exhaust hangers on my 67. The belting is too thin and the rivets are too short.
    Where can I find an accurate reproduction hanger or a better rebuild kit? I think I can find some belting locally if neccessary but have no source for the rivets.

    Any ideas?


    I purchased some reproduction hangers of the 68-72 style from Dr. Rebuild within the last few years (even though I have enough NOS pieces to last me for the next 50 years, or so). I found them to be virtually identical to the NOS. I haven't compared their 64-67 hangers to NOS originals, but if they're anything like the 68-72 you won't be disappointed.

    By the way, Dr. Rebuild also offers hangers with stainless steel components for 64-67. If they were so-available for 68-72, I would have ordered them in a flash. I hate rust.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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