1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

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  • Steven B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 1982
    • 3936

    1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

    Was the speaker cover material behind the screen the same material as the trunk cardboard?
    Last edited by Steven B.; October 16, 2008, 10:18 PM. Reason: addition
  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1974
    • 8331

    Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

    it was black cardboard. mike


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

      Here's a photo of the no-radio cardboard speaker cover.
      Attached Files


      • Steven B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 1, 1982
        • 3936

        Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

        Thanks! I had heard a couple of decades ago that the cardboard was the same texture as the trunk divider but left black and not painted trunk color. 'Can't remember where I heard it, though.


        • Mike M.
          NCRS Past President
          • June 1, 1974
          • 8331

          Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

          Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
          Here's a photo of the no-radio cardboard speaker cover.
          john: was there a manufacturer's logo stamped on your example? i can't make any out on yer photo but it may well be there.mike


          • John H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • December 1, 1997
            • 16513

            Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

            Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
            john: was there a manufacturer's logo stamped on your example? i can't make any out on yer photo but it may well be there.mike
            Mike, I dunno - that was a long time ago, and I don't have anything in my notes about it from back then.


            • Joseph T.
              • May 1, 1976
              • 2074

              Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

              Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
              Mike, I dunno - that was a long time ago, and I don't have anything in my notes about it from back then.
              The picture John posted of the 1957 speaker delete cover is the undisturbed original cover in E57S00775. Car in my Avatar.

              The last time I looked I did not notice a manufacturer mark. I suspect there may be a mark on the other side facing the speaker grill but I have no intention of disturbing the cover to find out.

              Roger Brower in Portland makes a good reproduction and as I recall he can stamp the mark on either side.



              • Jerry C.
                Very Frequent User
                • November 1, 1995
                • 741

                Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

                Anyone have a picture of a 58-59 speaker cardboard? Does Roger Brower make them for 58-59 and anyone have his phone # or email address? Thanks in advance.


                • Joseph T.
                  • May 1, 1976
                  • 2074

                  Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

                  Originally posted by Jerry Cosler (26941)
                  Anyone have a picture of a 58-59 speaker cardboard? Does Roger Brower make them for 58-59 and anyone have his phone # or email address? Thanks in advance.

                  Roger Brower 503-590-4026

                  Not sure about the 58/59 speaker block off. I think he makes that too.


                  • Steven B.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • July 1, 1982
                    • 3936

                    Re: 1957 Non-Radio Speaker Cardboard

                    John and Joe, thanks for the pics.!
                    • It appears the back side, the side we seein the pics., is smooth cardboard. Correct?
                    • Also, do you know if the side facing the grills is also smooth or is it possibly the grained finish as on the trunk cardboard? I would assume smooth but assuming always gets me in trouble.


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