66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question

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  • William G.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1988
    • 220

    66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question

    I am about to replace the Hurst shifter in my 66 with a repro 4 speed shifter. I dry fit the linkages on a spare Muncie out of the car. The reverse linkage seems to have too little lateral offset between the transmission lever and the shifter arm. The linkage that came with the shifter has an offset of about 1 1/2" between rod centerlines and I seem to need about another 1/2" so that the end that fits into the reverse shifter arm is not cocked. I think I have the incorrect linkage. Can anyone confirm the offset dimension for a 66 reverse linkage? Otherwise the shifter unit seems to be well made. Thanks for any help
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: 66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question

    Originally posted by William Gould (12425)
    I am about to replace the Hurst shifter in my 66 with a repro 4 speed shifter. I dry fit the linkages on a spare Muncie out of the car. The reverse linkage seems to have too little lateral offset between the transmission lever and the shifter arm. The linkage that came with the shifter has an offset of about 1 1/2" between rod centerlines and I seem to need about another 1/2" so that the end that fits into the reverse shifter arm is not cocked. I think I have the incorrect linkage. Can anyone confirm the offset dimension for a 66 reverse linkage? Otherwise the shifter unit seems to be well made. Thanks for any help

    The shifter levers which are part of the shifter assembly were the same for all 1964-81 Corvettes. So, even if you had the wrong shifter assembly (there were 3 used over the 64-81 period), the shifter levers which are part of each would work correctly (the shifter handle is the primary difference between the 3 shifter assemblies).

    However, the shifter levers attached to the transmission and the shifter rods were different over the years. 64-67 reverse lever is different than 68 and later. And, the 64-67 reverse rod is different than 1968 and later. So, my guess would be that you have an incorrect transmission-mounted reverse shifter lever and/or reverse shifter rod.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • William G.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 1988
      • 220

      Re: 66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question

      Thanks,Joe. I have the correct reverse transmission lever, so it appears that the rod is the wrong one. I am hoping that someone can confirm the dimension of the correct offset before I order the correct rod. The Noland Adams has many GM shifter rod blueprints but not the ones I need.


      • Brian K.
        Very Frequent User
        • September 20, 2007
        • 174

        Re: 66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question


        I did the exact same thing a few years back. I got the repro form Long Island Corvette and it fit fine. If I get a chance tonight I will get a photo & post. I assume a direct shot from the bottom will show what you need?

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        • William G.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 1, 1988
          • 220

          Re: 66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question

          Brian, Yes a photo from underneath showing the reverse linkage will be very helpful. Thanks!


          • Brian K.
            Very Frequent User
            • September 20, 2007
            • 174

            Re: 66 Muncie 4 speed Reverse Linkage question


            Didn't have time last night but have a note on my desk to get it done this weekend.

            66 Coupe
            66 Convertible
            2022 2LT Coupe
            67 Chevelle SS396
            67 XLCH HD Sportster


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