4657 Fuel Pump Revisisted

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  • Daniel E.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 2005
    • 145

    4657 Fuel Pump Revisisted


    Thought I would post a pic of an NOS 4657 fuel pump I recently purchased. I would call it a very early service replacement. The top section, middle section and box are all dated 1964. The pump doesn't have a suffix code stamped after the part number either. Also included is the instruction sheet for converting to other pump configurations.

    Now for my questions, were any of the service replacement 4657 pumps made exactly the same as those used in production?

    Is the configuration of the attached pump correct for '64 or '65. I understand this pump is not correct for a '63 because of the "2 large pads" around the housing screws.

    Any clarifying information is appreciated

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