C-3 Seat Frame Tag - NCRS Discussion Boards

C-3 Seat Frame Tag

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  • Martin N.
    • July 30, 2007
    • 594

    C-3 Seat Frame Tag

    Has anyone out there with a mid-year C-3 (73-74-75) ever done their own upholstery work, or seat reconditioning? I'm just starting disassembly of 2 used seats I bought and found a metal tag attached to the L. seat back frame. Picture attached but hard to read, so here's the numbers.

    First line; 3876538
    Second line; LSIM-13685-0513.

    I thinking the first # is the part, but the second line? I'm wondering if the last 4 numbers are the assembly date? I have not gotten to the 2nd. seat yet, and I don't see a tag on the L. seat bottom. Any help deciphering this tag would be much appreciated, THANKS.

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  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: C-3 Seat Frame Tag

    It's not a judged item, so the literature doesn't 'decode' the emboss sequences on seat tags. But, if you open your copy of the AIM, the PN on the tag should agree with that which is called out in the AIM...


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