Fuel Pump ID - NCRS Discussion Boards

Fuel Pump ID

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  • Charles M.
    Frequent User
    • October 31, 1979
    • 33

    Fuel Pump ID

    Trying to ID fuel pump I have. Stamped 40170, rebuildable type, magnesium top w/AC cast in ,4 screw dichromate plated steel bottom. No luck in archives or parts books. 66 big block? Thanks in advance Chuck M.
  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: Fuel Pump ID

    40170 shows up as "Daytona Marine" in the '69 AC catalog. Not a Corvette part, nor passenger car.
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Charles M.
      Frequent User
      • October 31, 1979
      • 33

      Re: Fuel Pump ID

      Thanks Bill, This seems to be an uncommon pump.I found a sold 40710 replacement type pump on Ebay that claims L-88,ZR-1, 396 and copo usage. part#6475748 Don't understand description- Daytona and Marine togeather? Chuck M.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: Fuel Pump ID

        Originally posted by Charles McSheehy (2782)
        Thanks Bill, This seems to be an uncommon pump.I found a sold 40710 replacement type pump on Ebay that claims L-88,ZR-1, 396 and copo usage. part#6475748 Don't understand description- Daytona and Marine togeather? Chuck M.


        I get very conflicting information on this one. In an AC reference, I find that AC type 40170 is applicable to some 1965-66 396 and 427 engines used in passenger cars and Chevelles. However, GM parts references do not confirm this. According to GM, AC type 40193, aka GM #6415961, was used for these applications. The latter is a CRIMPED-type pump, NOT a screw type. As far as I know, a CRIMPED-type pump is the only type ever used on a big block in PRODUCTION, although it's possible that some very early big blocks (i.e. 65-66) did use a screw-type pump. In any event, NO Corvette big block ever used a screw-type pump; all were CRIMPED-style.

        Next, GM #6475748 is a non-existent part number. The part number is GM #6415748. That part number= AC type 40170. However, I cannot find that the GM #6415748 was ever used in PRODUCTION for any application. From what I can find, it is a SERVICE-only, screw-type, "high capacity", big block fuel pump. It was available in SERVICE until a few years ago. It could be used on an L-88 or other high performance big block but, as far as I can tell, it was never installed in PRODUCTION on any such engine.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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