Roy have you seen one of these

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  • William L.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 1, 1988
    • 944

    Roy have you seen one of these

    Bought it a a swap meet years ago. The strange thing is that when you open it, the smell brings back memories of your Grandmothers house. There is Iodine in the kit (poison) remember how it burned when she put it on a cut???? Bill

    Last edited by William L.; September 11, 2008, 06:06 PM. Reason: add a word
    Bill Lacy
    1967 427/435 National Top Flight Bloomington Gold
    1998 Indy Pacecar
  • Roy B.
    • February 1, 1975
    • 7044

    Re: Roy have you seen one of these

    Yes I've seen many! GM had them for each year but early dint have a pic. On them . Car people would pay big bucks to have it // Corvette people DA!


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