A wierd observation at the battery box

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  • Chuck R.
    • May 1, 1999
    • 1434

    A wierd observation at the battery box

    While I was under "sleeping Beauty" removing some of the grease slung on the floor boards, I noticed a hole in the in-board rear corner of the battery box closest to the differential/drive shaft that appears to be a puncture from the exterior.

    What could cause this? A half shaft failure?

    Just curious if others out there have seen this type of damage before.

    Probably Bubba's been here too with my luck.

  • Bill M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1977
    • 1386

    Re: A wierd observation at the battery box

    Originally posted by Chuck Rice (32205)
    I noticed a hole in the in-board rear corner of the battery box closest to the differential/drive shaft that appears to be a puncture from the exterior.

    Just curious if others out there have seen this type of damage before.

    My '65 has similar damage. It happened before I bought it.


    • Mike M.
      Director Region V
      • September 1, 1994
      • 1463

      Re: A wierd observation at the battery box

      Hi Chuck,
      Sure, could have been a half shaft, road debris, an errant ratchet slipping during maintenance, a "Fly-away" center section during removal/Installation, on and on...
      Or, just plain good ol' Bubba.


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