Help identifing brake fluid

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  • Walt W.
    • November 1, 1998
    • 92

    Help identifing brake fluid

    I want to add brake fluid to my 67 but don't know what type is now in the
    master cylinder. i rubbed some on a panel and it didn't remove paint.
    what else can i do to identify the type.

    Thanks, Walt weems
  • Gary C.
    • March 1, 1998
    • 236

    Re: Help identifing brake fluid


    You can take a little of the fluid out of the master cylinder and mix in a little water. silicone fluids do not mix well with water. To be sure of your result you could do the same test with your known new brake fluid. There are some other tests too, but I never remember any of em past this one.




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