69 Door panels

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  • John M.
    • January 1, 1998
    • 813

    69 Door panels

    My 69 has the original door panels and they are in good shape except that they are warped in such a way that they won't snap into the velcro things. Does anyone have a trick for correcting this? One of the T-top panels has the same problem.
    John McRae 30025
  • Alan S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1989
    • 3413

    Re: 69 Door panels

    Hi John,
    How far off are you from being able to make the connection? Are the panels warped because the 'fiber board' got wet? How dry and brittle has the vinyl become? Has the vinyl shrunk and pulled the panel out of wack? Does part of the panel fit OK and part not? Many questions.
    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
    Mason Dixon Chapter
    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


    • John M.
      • January 1, 1998
      • 813

      Re: 69 Door panels

      Hi Allen,
      The drivers side panel is pretty severely warped. I had just assumed that the backing was the problem. If I push the back side against the door the front sticks out close to 1.5". The vinyl is in nice shape, the only bad spot is where the screw is used. I was just wondering if scoring the fiber board or something similar has ever been tried. The car is a nice driver and I don't really want to replace these panels.
      Thanks for any ideas.


      • D S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 1, 2005
        • 1551

        Re: 69 Door panels

        On my hardtop panel (and sail panels) I took it off and laid it down on a sheet with the vinyl side down. I sprayed the exposed fiberboard liberally with water and then put a two by six board in the middle running from front to rear. I used short bungee cords to grab the edges of the top panel to create a bowing out effect and let them sit in the hot sun. I used soft rags on the edges to keep the bungee cord hooks from denting the vinyl on the edges. When the fiberboard dries out I would spray it again until I was sure the desired bowing was achieved.
        Those reproduction panels are too expensive and don't look the same as originals.


        • Alan S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 1, 1989
          • 3413

          Re: 69 Door panels

          Hi John,
          I would make the same suggestion as Scott. Moisture and heat. It's really worth the effort, and as Scott says too, it's not just the $$$$, the reproductions can be quite a disappointment compared to the originals.

          PS: Can someone tell me how to "heal' a 1" long split where my elbow rests on the door panel arm rest?
          71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
          Mason Dixon Chapter
          Chapter Top Flight October 2011


          • John M.
            • January 1, 1998
            • 813

            Re: 69 Door panels

            Thanks Guys,
            I'll try the T-top first this weekend, it's supposed to be warm and sunny. If that works, on to the door panels.


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