Fuel Injection training film

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  • Joseph T.
    • May 1, 1976
    • 2074

    Fuel Injection training film

    Does anyone have or has anyone seen the fuel injection training film that was used at the various GM training centers around the country back in the 50's and 60's?

  • Chuck S.
    • July 1, 1991
    • 184

    Re: Fuel Injection training film

    Joe - Are you referring to "The A B Cs of Fuel Injection"?? That was a 35mm film strip which was used at the various GM Training Centers. The handout (same title) often shows up on eBay. I don`t believe that there was sound (record) for that filmstrip.


    • Joseph T.
      • May 1, 1976
      • 2074

      Re: Fuel Injection training film

      Originally posted by Chuck Spiteri (19476)
      Joe - Are you referring to "The A B Cs of Fuel Injection"?? That was a 35mm film strip which was used at the various GM Training Centers. The handout (same title) often shows up on eBay. I don`t believe that there was sound (record) for that filmstrip.

      Chuck..that may be it. I had first heard of it mentioned in an old magazine article.

      I wonder if there was a series of more technical training films as new fuel units were introduced.

      Seems likely that there would have been.



      • Chuck S.
        • July 1, 1991
        • 184

        Re: Fuel Injection training film

        Joe - Check out that article and let us know..........
        There was also another film (16mm color very rare) titled "New Things....
        New Profit Opportunities". This was produced by GM Photographic mainly for dealership service personnel. As I remember, it covered both Pos-I-Traction and FI. The FI showed the cut-away engine and a provided a very detailed explanation of the "new" fuel injection system.


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