1954 softop stowage

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  • Harold W.
    Frequent User
    • March 1, 1977
    • 59

    1954 softop stowage

    I'm having some difficulty in figuring out how the softtop on my 1954 can be stowed away without damage. I have tried to pull out the folds in various ways, but still find it difficult to get it to flatten out enough to close the top compartment lid. At Carlisle yesterday, a fellow club member mentioned an NCRS operations manual that covers this procedure. Is there such a document?

    Harold Wrede
  • Joe R.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1994
    • 287

    Re: 1954 softop stowage

    Harold, there is such a document. I will look for the digitized (PDF) of it when I return home. It's somewhat helpful, but that top is a buggar to get to fold down enough to get the cover down. I'll add that I roll up a beach towel and put it between the window fold to prevent getting a crease in the window. I also use a thin sheet to keep the cover paint from rubbing on the top. I hear that the hold down straps are also helpful.



    • Joe R.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 1, 1994
      • 287

      Re: 1954 softop stowage

      Please send me an email with your email address so I can send to you when I find it.



      • Roy B.
        • February 1, 1975
        • 7044

        Re: 1954 softop stowage

        This is an original sticker which the face is slick and not a paper as copy repro. are that is glued on


        • Harold W.
          Frequent User
          • March 1, 1977
          • 59

          Re: 1954 softop stowage


          My e-mail is hwrede@earthlink. net


          Is this sticker supposed to be attached somewhere in the top compartment?

          Thank you both for the information.



          • Michael L.
            • August 1, 2005
            • 562

            Re: 1954 softop stowage

            The sticker is on the inside center of the deck lid. Positioned sop you can read it with the deck lid open.

            Many vendors sell reproductions.



            • Roy B.
              • February 1, 1975
              • 7044

              Re: 1954 softop stowage

              I'm not sure when the sticker was added in 54 mid or late? But not all 53 or 54's had it, 55 yes all 700 . The repro's I've seen you can tell it's repro, original are rare I don't know how they judge them for year or originality??
              Mike lander should know better then I
              Like the trunk tire sticker rarely see the right original repro'ed correct in size
              Last edited by Roy B.; August 23, 2008, 07:01 PM.


              • Joe R.
                Very Frequent User
                • August 1, 1994
                • 287

                Re: 1954 softop stowage

                Harold, I'm sorry to say I can't locate the manual. I have a paper copy that I could copy at work on Monday and mail to you if you want. Just send me your address and I'll send.

                It's a 67 page orange colored booklet titled "Your Corvette Operations Manual" and was not originally delivered with the cars when new, as I understand it. It has all maintenance schedules, tune up specs, instruments, etc. It's very concise.

                If anyone out there has this in PDF or JPEG form, please post here with many thanks in advance!



                • Russ U.
                  • April 1, 2004
                  • 345

                  Re: 1954 softop stowage

                  Originally posted by Joe Ryan (24865)

                  If anyone out there has this in PDF or JPEG form, please post here with many thanks in advance!


                  I have an original 54 manual posted on my website in PDF format:

                  1954 Manual



                  • Joseph T.
                    • May 1, 1976
                    • 2074

                    Re: 1954 softop stowage

                    Originally posted by Roy Braatz (182)
                    This is an original sticker which the face is slick and not a paper as copy repro. are that is glued on
                    Roy..I don't remember this sticker being on my Pennant Blue '54 #814.

                    And..I would need to look at my 15,000 mile 54 in the garage that I bought about 8 years ago. I have never put the convertible top down. Should be interesting. This car is a late '54 as I recall.

                    When I restored #814 I installed a new convertible top. It was one of the more difficult tasks I have ever done, and yes had to be very careful not to pinch the canvas when trying to fold it down. This car had the early flippers. Wish I still had that car.



                    • Russ U.
                      • April 1, 2004
                      • 345

                      Re: 1954 softop stowage

                      Originally posted by Joseph Trybulec (930)
                      Roy..I don't remember this sticker being on my Pennant Blue '54 #814.

                      My 54 #3279 did not have it either.



                      • Joe R.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • August 1, 1994
                        • 287

                        Re: 1954 softop stowage

                        Russ, thanks for posting the 54 manual link.

                        I'm very curious. The manual that I have is very different. It contains 67 pages with more illustrations than the one you posted. The cover has a picture of the car with 2 polo players on horses. Nearly every page has an illustration. The back cover has a picture of the front badge.

                        I have a reprint of your manual, and received this different one from a fellow NCRS mate that remains a mystery to me!

                        Are you aware of this publication?



                        • Russ U.
                          • April 1, 2004
                          • 345

                          Re: 1954 softop stowage

                          Originally posted by Joe Ryan (24865)
                          Russ, thanks for posting the 54 manual link.

                          I'm very curious. The manual that I have is very different. It contains 67 pages with more illustrations than the one you posted. The cover has a picture of the car with 2 polo players on horses. Nearly every page has an illustration. The back cover has a picture of the front badge.

                          I have a reprint of your manual, and received this different one from a fellow NCRS mate that remains a mystery to me!

                          Are you aware of this publication?


                          When GM started making 53 Corvettes, GM published a temporary owner's manual without illustrations. The conventional wisdom is that GM stopped publishing this manual after making 100 to 150 cars in 1953. I have a GM factory pic that shows 1953 #287 with a temporary manual, however, so I don't buy into the conventional wisdom.

                          The temporary manuals came with a post card that the car owner would send to GM. for those owners sending in the post card, GM promised to send a full owner's manual when the manuals were ready.

                          The full manuals with illustrations have an orange cover with a polo player setup. Based on your description, you have the full manual. These manuals have been widely reproduced, however, so don't assume that you have an original manual.

                          I believe GM issued the full manuals with illustrations at the end of 1953 or the beginning of 1954.

                          The webpage I provided above has everything I just discussed - the 1953 temporary manual, the post card, and the orange full manual. I also have a copy of the GM cover letter that GM sent to owners of the 53 temporary manual who returned the post card. If yo take another look at that webpage, you should see all of this stuff. If you click on the orange cover woth the polo players, that should bring up the pdf of the full manual with illustrations.

                          Hope this helps,



                          • Joe R.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • August 1, 1994
                            • 287

                            Re: 1954 softop stowage

                            Russ, maybe I'm dumber than I thought, but I found the temp manual and the post card, but can't find the final manual



                            • Russ U.
                              • April 1, 2004
                              • 345

                              Re: 1954 softop stowage

                              Originally posted by Joe Ryan (24865)
                              Russ, maybe I'm dumber than I thought, but I found the temp manual and the post card, but can't find the final manual


                              That's weird. I can see the full manual using several different browsers. Anybody else having a problem?

                              Joe - here is a link to the pdf file itself: 1954 Manual - PDF file. The 72 page full manual should open up as a pdf file if you click on this link.



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