69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

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  • Jamie F.
    • May 21, 2008
    • 337

    69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

    I'm in the process of putting back on the factory side exhaust system on my convert that has had Hooker side exhaust on it since the early 70's.
    I didn't see a sign of the insulation that is suppose to go between the body and frame so I purchased a pair of these fiberglass insulation strips.
    I looked on page 416 of the '69 assembly manual and still can't figure out the proper installation configuration. It looks like in the manual that the pieces go between the body and frame, and then wrap over the top of the frame and then folds back on itself??? The pieces look just like a stiff piece of home fiberglass insulation; cloth on one side and a thin aluminum on the other, with a bare strip of the aluminum on one edge.
    What retains them up in there?
    Am I seeing something that really isn't there on the assembly manual drawings?
    What is the correct installation configuration?
  • Alan S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1989
    • 3413

    Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

    Hi Jamie,
    Member Chuck Gongloff has a wonderful 69 side exhaust car. If you don't get a good reply why don't you PM him, and perhaps he can give you some guidance. He's a really helpful fellow. I just talked to him at Carlisle today.
    Last edited by Alan S.; August 21, 2008, 06:04 PM.
    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
    Mason Dixon Chapter
    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


    • Jamie F.
      • May 21, 2008
      • 337

      Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

      Thanks Alan. If nobody else chimes in I'll contact Chuck!


      • John L.
        • October 1, 1996
        • 159

        Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

        Doesn't the insulation go between the muffler and the bottom of the chrome covers to keep the covers cool? I thought the insulation was shaped like the bottom (inside) of the covers and glued to be back of the covers. Maybe I'm thinking of something else, sorry if I confused the issue.


        • Jim T.
          • March 1, 1993
          • 5351

          Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

          I have some 69 side factory side exhaust I purchased in 1973. The chrome pieces (3) mount to a piece that mounts over the actual side exhaust muffler and the inside of the insulation has a aluminum piece that is riveted to the cover with with plastic between the aluminum and the the chrome pieces except for the exhaust tip.


          • Jamie F.
            • May 21, 2008
            • 337

            Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

            John & Jim, You guys are talking about the hard fiberglass insulators that shield between the chrome outer covers and the pipes.
            I'm talking about the soft insulation (looks like the stuff you put in the walls of your house, just a little stiffer) that goes between the body and frame. Two different piece of insulation, these are in the inside of the system. If you have a '69 assembly manual look on page 416...
            I don't see how these are supposed to fit or attach.
            Thanks for chiming in though!


            • Alan S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • August 1, 1989
              • 3413

              Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

              Hi Jamie,
              I don't have a 69 AIM so I looked at Paragon's catalogue.
              They show the insulator as you describe, but in a too simplistic a drawing to be any help.The description says..." insulator with aluminium skin located between frame and body reinforcement channel". I take this to mean it would lay on the top and side of the frame under the birdcage channel. On the passenger's side it would be in a position to cover the frame stencil.
              They also show a "gray foam insulator at the rear frame kick-up and floor pan".
              Maybe Chuck can help you.
              71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
              Mason Dixon Chapter
              Chapter Top Flight October 2011


              • Jamie F.
                • May 21, 2008
                • 337

                Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

                Thanks Alan,
                Yes that is the piece and where is goes.
                What I'm not sure of is how it is placed, and how it is attached.
                It looks like there is fold back on itself that happens on top, but it's not clear.
                Also what holds it? Is it just stuffed up in there, or some type of tape or adhesive???


                • Alan S.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • August 1, 1989
                  • 3413

                  Re: 69 Side Exhaust Insulation Installation???

                  Hi Jamie,
                  My bet is that the 'folded-back' part of the insulation is compressed enough between the top of the frame and the birdcage rail to hold the insulation in place.
                  Have you looked at the parts list on your AIM page to see if any 'clips', 'fasteners' or 'adhesive' are listed that might be used but not well drawn in the diagram? If there was a clip used I imagine it would be of the type used to hold the transmission fiberglass/ foil shield.
                  There are 2 foam heat seals further forward on the frame rail between the frame and underbody ( a small foam triangular wedge and a larger U shaped foam seal) that are just wedged in place so your insulation might well have no kind of connection to the frame either.
                  I was at Carlisle today and looked at 5 side-exhaust cars... none had the insulation. I don't think any were original side exhaust cars so I wasn't too surprised but I didn't learn anything either.
                  71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
                  Mason Dixon Chapter
                  Chapter Top Flight October 2011


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