67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher - NCRS Discussion Boards

67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

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  • Kirk M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 2006
    • 1036

    67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

    My car does not currently have one of these even though my flashers work. Could someone please explain this particular item to me. It looks like a piece of plastic and I am confused as to exactly how it works. Apparently on a 67 it should be mounted to a bracket attached to left side of radio panel, that part I get, but being a plastic pieces, how does it hook into the electrical system? Also, does anyone repro the bracket or the flasher? Thanks.

  • Stephen L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1984
    • 3146

    Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

    Bracket for the flasher is available from Long Island Corvettes and others.

    The 323 flasher has a round yellow plastic case and metal prongs for connection to the car circuitry. It snaps into the bracket


    • Kirk M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 2006
      • 1036

      Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

      Thank you.


      • David B.
        Frequent User
        • March 31, 1988
        • 42

        Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

        Kirk - There is also a wax paper capacitor with blue paper insulator that is attached to the back of the flasher. I've attempted to attach a photo of the flasher and capacitor together-hopefully will work as this is my first try at this.
        The flasher is available from Long Island Corvette, but I'm not so sure about the capacitor. I have found them for sale on eBay from time to time.
        I had the pleasure to judge Kirk's car on Sunday. Its a beautiful white '67 air roadster....and better yet he actually drives it regularly. David
        Attached Files


        • Kirk M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 30, 2006
          • 1036

          Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

          Thanks David. That is hugely helpful and Long Island does sell the capacitor as well. LI says that all 67's need two of these capacitors - does anyone know why and where the second one goes??? I am assuming some place else and not directly associated with the flasher, but it would be nice if someone could confirm that.

          Also, thanks for nice comment on my car. It was my first NCRS judging and it was an amazing learning experience all the way around. Thanks to all the judges who put in so much time going over my car.



          • Jack H.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 31, 1990
            • 9906

            Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

            For '67, there are two flashers, one dedicated to the turn signals and the other specific to the 4-way emergency flasher function. The TS flasher mounts, as mentioned, in a holding clip on the LH side of the center console while the emergency flasher mounted in the fuse block.

            The radio option section of your copy of the AIM, U69 at the back of the book, is where the 'hush up' capacitors are called out for installation. I don't see the flasher capacitor called out for installation anywhere else then on the TS flasher as the 4-way emergency flasher isn't mentioned under U69...


            • Paul L.
              • October 31, 2002
              • 1414

              Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

              I have sold my 1967 and no longer have need of this spare 323. If you e-mail me your address I will drop it in the mail for you (no charge).


              • Kirk M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • June 30, 2006
                • 1036

                Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                Thank you, thank you, thank you. Problem solved. You just plain gotta love this hobby and the people involved! Paul, you are my hero for the day!



                • Paul L.
                  • October 31, 2002
                  • 1414

                  Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                  It's been mailed by Air Parcel Post. Expect 5-7 days for delivery.

                  You still need the capacitor. I don't have one, unfortunately. I believe its purpose is to prevent clicking noise on the radio when the turn signals are on. But I'm glad the flasher will find a new "home" on a 1967.


                  • Jack H.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • March 31, 1990
                    • 9906

                    Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                    Flasher will fit/work, but is not factory concours correct for '67. By then, the case had changed from non-DOT metal, painted yellow, to non-DOT yellow plastic...


                    • Terry M.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • September 30, 1980
                      • 15543

                      Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                      And do we want to mention the date code on the flasher -- so long as we are talking about concours correct?

                      I don't have enough mid-year knowledge to tell you what the date format should be, nor do I know if it is judged. I just know it is there -- stamped in real small numbers on the side of the case.


                      • Paul L.
                        • October 31, 2002
                        • 1414

                        Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                        Originally posted by Jack Humphrey (17100)
                        Flasher will fit/work, but is not factory concours correct for '67. By then, the case had changed from non-DOT metal, painted yellow, to non-DOT yellow plastic...
                        My intent was honourable.


                        Keep the flasher even if it does not meet your needs in terms of "correct." It is a three-lamp unit and will work fine.
                        Last edited by Paul L.; August 12, 2008, 01:43 PM.


                        • Kirk M.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • June 30, 2006
                          • 1036

                          Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher


                          Still my hero, and my understanding is the housings can be interchanged, so all I now need is a "broken" flasher with a good housing. Thanks again.



                          • Peter L.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • May 31, 1983
                            • 1930

                            Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                            While the LICS catalog indicates 2 capacitors (probably to increase sales) for the 67, Jack's comment on the number of capacitors on the 67 being 1 is correct and it's in the turn signal flasher. My guess is that when you are having to use the hazard warning system, you're not too concerned about feedback noise in the radio. Pete


                            • Peter L.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • May 31, 1983
                              • 1930

                              Re: 67 Tung Sol 323 Flasher

                              Jack - My experience is that the metal Tung-Sol 323 was manufactured from 1964 or so into the 70s and the plastic T/S 323 came in around 1965 and manufactured into the 70s. Both the metal and plastic versions were both manufactured from 1965 and on.

                              Note that one in the photo was manufactured in the very late 60 and into the 70s because it has the hole in the connecting legs. Early manufactured 323 did not have the hole.



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