1957 Fuel Injection tag? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1957 Fuel Injection tag?

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  • Randy G.
    • March 31, 2006
    • 358

    1957 Fuel Injection tag?

    I saw this tag on a 1957 Fuelie on eBay and compared it to the tag on my '57 fuelie. As a side note, mine scored a top flight years before we bought it meaning I wasn't educated about the authenticity of the tags like I should have been.

    I was told to look for the differences in the "C"'s in "ROCHESTER" AND "PRODUCTS" on original verses reproduction tags. On my tag the "C" does not loop around like this one does. The "C"'s on mine look more like a (excuse the expression) banana with straighter ends.

    Which is correct?

  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1974
    • 8344

    Re: 1957 Fuel Injection tag?

    rochester tags with the C running counterclockwise from 2 oclock to 4 oclock(like the one yopu have posted) were late 70-'s early 80's repo tags. we used to see a lot of them on the judging fields before the current repo hit the scene. original tags C ran from noon to 6 oclock counterclockwise. mike


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