1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc?? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

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  • John D.
    Frequent User
    • September 30, 1999
    • 40

    1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

    I have a friend who has a 1958 Corvette "Go-Kart"(Gas Powered).

    I would like to find out the following:
    A.) The "HISTORY' behind this 1958 Go-Karts(i.e)
    B.) Who manufactured it, was it a GM "Promotional" Item, Etc.)
    C.) The "VALUE" of the item....
    I know that the "CONDITION" directly reflects the "value" of this item, but does anybody know where I could get a "Good Handle" on what it's worth??(besides "Checking Out" "completed auction" prices on EBAY).
    D.) Is there anyone that "SELLS/BUYS" these Corvette "Go Karts".
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • September 30, 1980
    • 15544

    Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

    There was a Restorer story a few years ago about some of them. I can't recall if it was about 1958 or another year, but the history was covered in that article. They were used as promotional items by Chevrolet.


    • Jim W.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 31, 1980
      • 324

      Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

      The gas powered little cars in 1958 were built by Yard Man however I'm not familiar with their history or how they might have been used as promotional items for Chevrolet and Corvette. Maybe someone here can provide more information on them. As Terry mentioned, an article was in The Restorer about four years ago but it was one that I wrote about the 1963 Barry Toycraft electric powered Sting Ray. Good luck with '58!


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • September 30, 1980
        • 15544

        Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

        Sorry Jim, I remembered neither the year the story appeared nor the year of the cars.


        • Lawrence M.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 31, 1995
          • 404

          Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

          There was an article on the 1958 to 1961 Yard-Man built mini Corvettes in Vol 1 # 4 of the Restorer. The Best of Volume One may still be available. Check the Driveline or Call Gary or Eric at the NCRS store. It should also be on the Corvette Restorer CD.

          Larry Merchantz
          2002 Z51 Convertible
          1969 L46 Convertible


          • Bill M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 1989
            • 1307

            Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??


            I had a couple of Barry Toycraft electric 1963 go carts. when i finally got sick of moving them around i decided to sell and man they were murder to get rid of. So i would stay away from carts unless you really have to have one.



            • Rob M.
              NCRS IT Developer
              • January 1, 2004
              • 12668

              Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??


              NCRS Dutch Chapter Founder & Board Member
              NCRS Software Developer
              C1, C2 and C3 Registry Developer


              • Steven N.
                Very Frequent User
                • April 30, 2002
                • 214

                Re: 1958 Corvette-"GO-KART"(Gas Powered)-What's it worth, Etc??

                The carts featured in the picture are 1957 Eska corvettes. The yardman that people are talking about came out in ,'60 in a general Mills and GM promotion. The corvette was second prize and there were 180 of them given away and were powered by a lausen motor .Corvairs were the first prize and there were 72 of them given away.Yardman later sold to Barry Toycraft and later produced the '63 battery powered StingRAy. There was also a 61/62 done for Hertz rent a car.
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