1970 RH V-shield - anybody have a pic?

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  • Rich D.
    • March 1, 1995
    • 32

    1970 RH V-shield - anybody have a pic?

    Does anybody have a picture of an original 1970 RH ignition lower V-shield?

    The one I took off my car is pretty mangled, so I'm looking for a replacement.

    BTW, I couldn't find a listing for this in any of the catalogs...? Is it discontinued?

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: 1970 RH V-shield - anybody have a pic?

    Originally posted by Rich DeSanno (25930)
    Does anybody have a picture of an original 1970 RH ignition lower V-shield?

    The one I took off my car is pretty mangled, so I'm looking for a replacement.

    BTW, I couldn't find a listing for this in any of the catalogs...? Is it discontinued?


    I don't know if they are discontinued from being reproduced, but they are long-since discontinued from GM.

    The original shield used in PRODUCTION for the right side lower "V" was GM #3973404. This shield was NEVER available in SERVICE. The reason is that the PRODUCTION shields were minus the riveted-on brackets and reinforcements; those were installed at St. Louis.

    In SERVICE, the shields were supplied with all riveted-on brackets and reinforcements. So, the SERVICE shield was GM #3987342. This is the same thing as used in PRODUCTION but with the brackets and reinforcemnts pre-attached. This shield was discontinued a VERY long time ago and, ultimately, replaced by GM #14034993. The latter shield was used on later C3's and served as the SERVICE piece for earlier. It's 100% FUNCTIONAL, but it's not configured exactly like the originals. No matter, it's long-discontinued, too.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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