AC question

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  • D S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 2005
    • 1551

    AC question

    Are there points deductions if the AC compressor comes on but doesn't blow cold air?

  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: AC question

    Yes, but the deduction depends on the what's being judged... If you're going for a Performance Verification award, then it's a full failure for the car. If you're talking Flight Judging, then it's part of the Operations Check.

    Here, you're in 'luck'. The line item for air conditioning also includes heater and defroster operation with the point allocation being 25 for all three items. So, if just the A/C doesn't work (no cold air), and the heater and defroster systems work, you're looking at a 25/3= 8-point deduction.

    BUT, I'd go understand why the system isn't working. Here's why.

    Up through '71 the A-6 compressors were 'dumb' and they'd turn on and run blindly even if the system was out of refrigerant. It's the refrigerant moving through the system that carries lubricating oil and a dry compressor can fail in dramatic fashion (clutch & shaft sieze causing superheating).

    In 1972, the system was improved by the addition of a superheat switch embedded in the A-6 compressor. If the compressor lacked lubrication and began to overheat, the switch kicked in automatically de-coupling the clutch on the compressor and saving the A-6 from buring itself up.

    So, depending on the specifics of your car, you could be playing with 'fire' (no pun intended) by running the A/C compressor without a proper charge of refrigerant....


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