'66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...) - NCRS Discussion Boards

'66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

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  • Jeff A.
    • October 31, 2005
    • 199

    '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

    I have a '66 BB (mid-Dec '65 build date), with a left mounted hood support - where it should be. I noticed, however, that there is a mounting plate on the right side of the hood (not the body) as well. This leads me to believe that I have a generic '65 - '66 BB replacement hood. Notwithstanding the early '66 L/R controversy, should an original '66 hood have mounting plates on both sides?
  • Bill M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1977
    • 1386

    Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

    Originally posted by Jeff Alper (44794)
    I have a '66 BB (mid-Dec '65 build date), with a left mounted hood support - where it should be. I noticed, however, that there is a mounting plate on the right side of the hood (not the body) as well. This leads me to believe that I have a generic '65 - '66 BB replacement hood. Notwithstanding the early '66 L/R controversy, should an original '66 hood have mounting plates on both sides?
    My '66 BB hood does not have a plate on the right; just the molds in the fiberglass where a plate would go...


    • David J.
      • August 19, 2007
      • 65

      Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)


      My 66 BB has the driver side mounted hood support and, like Bill's, has a matching mold in the fiberglass on the passenger side where a plate/bracket could be attached.



      • Mike M.
        Director Region V
        • August 31, 1994
        • 1463

        Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

        Hi Jeff
        In September, approximately VIN # 3600, the '65 396 right side carry over transition had moved the plate to the driver's side as stated with the descriptions by Bill and David.
        Your hood could be a S/R or, if the added plate does not appear to be very neatly installed with pop rivets, it could be an original '65 396 hood.


        • Wayne W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 30, 1982
          • 3605

          Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

          Originally posted by Mike Murray (25129)
          Hi Jeff
          In September, approximately VIN # 3600, the '65 396 right side carry over transition had moved the plate to the driver's side as stated with the descriptions by Bill and David.
          Your hood could be a S/R or, if the added plate does not appear to be very neatly installed with pop rivets, it could be an original '65 396 hood.
          A mid December build date would be way too late for that 65 modification. So I would say it is either a reproduction or a GM replacement.


          • Mike M.
            Director Region V
            • August 31, 1994
            • 1463

            Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

            I repeat, with emphasis.....
            "Your hood could be a S/R or, if the added plate does not appear to be very neatly installed with pop rivets, it could be AN original '65 396 hood."
            (Not to imply THE original hood to that car)


            • Jeff A.
              • October 31, 2005
              • 199

              Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

              Without getting into all the gory details, the reason I'm asking about this is that my car is undergoing a body off resto, as the result of a shop fire in Nov '06. The hood that got toasted had raised molds on both sides (my apologies for confusing the issue by incorrectly referring to them as plates). Based on what Bill and Dave have noted, it sounds like it could be original. The replacement hood that we acquired is apparently off of a '65. It has a raised mold, with two threaded holes, on the right side only - but we didn't catch that until a considerable amount of work went into block sanding and fitting it to the hood surround. We don't want to go through all of that again! The bottom line is that we intend to modify the hood to accept the support on the left and I need to know whether the right side raised mold should remain or be removed.
              Much thanks for all of your input!


              • Mike M.
                Director Region V
                • August 31, 1994
                • 1463

                Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

                Sure, just remove the right side nut plate, fill the holes, leave the molding and rivet the nut plate to the left side.


                • Jeff A.
                  • October 31, 2005
                  • 199

                  Re: '66 BB hood support (NOT the usual question...)

                  Originally posted by Mike Murray (25129)
                  Sure, just remove the right side nut plate, fill the holes, leave the molding and rivet the nut plate to the left side.
                  Exactly what I needed to know! We will have to 'create' a new molding on the left side (as the '65 hoods apparently only had them on the right), but compared to everything else, that's a piece of cake.


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