Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

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  • Oliver B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 1992
    • 556

    Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

    On the rearview mirror of my 1977 I have a round paper sticker - color might have been green (or other) but it is very weathered.

    What could that have been there for? Original (factory) or applied by third party?
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  • John D.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 30, 1991
    • 874

    Re: Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

    I have worked in GM assembly plants and have seen stickers of this type used as inspection marks by suppliers as they check parts prior to shipping.


    • Jack H.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 31, 1990
      • 9906

      Re: Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

      Might have been a parking identity sticker for a prior owner's company/club parking lot...


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

        When we had a "retrofit" issue in an assembly plant and had to stop shipping and rework every car on the property before releasing them, we routinely used colored Avery "dots" on the inside mirror so the repair drivers could readily identify cars that had been repaired from those that hadn't.


        • Steven B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 30, 1982
          • 3949

          Re: Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

          Oliver, when my '77 rolled off the truck it did not have a sticker on the mirror, but possibly some did and some did not. I have no idea what it is for.


          • Oliver B.
            Very Frequent User
            • January 31, 1992
            • 556

            Re: Round sticker on rearview mirror - what is it?

            Wow, quite a lot of answers...

            Summing it up (so far), it looks like that sticker cannot be confirmed (100%) as being from the factory. Might have been, but maybe not. And lots of other purposes possible, "somebody else" might have attached it for. (Actually we in our insurance office business make use of such adhesive dots as well...)

            As it would not be too much trouble removing it - and it does not harm the plastic or looks - I for now will refrain from removing it...

            I just did with two other (chromed) stickers adding lots of "historic atmosphere" to the car: one oval sticker issued by AAA on the rearview mirror stating some "300$ reward to be paid for capturing and conviction in case the car was stolen" and another one by AAA reminding to "fasten seatbelts" which was nicely placed between the two power window switches.
            Despite atmospheric value and tastefulness, I nevertheless removed them for reasons of originality. But they were easily removed without their destruction, so they ended up in my car's documentation... (And I kept some photos "before and after".)

            Thanks and take care, guys.


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