68 Dealer Brochure Documentation Error - NCRS Discussion Boards

68 Dealer Brochure Documentation Error

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  • Jack C.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 30, 1992
    • 1090

    68 Dealer Brochure Documentation Error

    Has anyone picked up on pages 6&7 of the Dealer Brochure. The car pictured has power window switches on the console and a crank handle on the door panel?

    Jack Corso
    1972 Elkhart Green LT-1 Coupe 43,200 miles
    Top Flight 1994, 2018 & 2021
  • Henry J.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1999
    • 457

    Re: 68 Dealer Brochure Documentation Error

    Yes Jack. I believe that you have the first edition of the sales brochure. The second edition of the sales brochure had that corrected.

    Jack, look at page 9, under the heading of "Fuel Tank". You will see that the 68 Corvette has a 20 gallon PLASTIC fuel tank!


    • Robert R.
      • May 31, 1975
      • 357

      Re: 68 Dealer Brochure Documentation Error

      How about both sides of the seat belt on the inboard of the seat?



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