4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?

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  • Ian G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 4, 2007
    • 1114

    4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?

    I just got a rebuilt 4656 fuel pump. It looks like it might have been spray painted to look aluminum or cadmium. What should the finish look like? raw metal or some other plating, like cadmium? I read on some other threads, to look completely correct for concourse judging, it should have a copper rivet and a multi-layer lower diaphragm with a stapled tab. Any other details not in the judging guide I should be aware of? I was thinking of painting the rivet, since it seems like a copper rivet would wear out pretty quickly and I want to drive this thing

    About home many points might be lost if the pump is missing these things (its got an aluminum rivet and modern gaskets looks like)? Are there any pics someone could share?

    thanks for any info!
  • Steven N.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 2002
    • 214

    Re: 4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?

    Pump should be unplated . Most important is the numbers 4656 stamped in the flange and the embossed AC on the case, and correct configuration.
    Steven J.


    • Bob B.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 2003
      • 829

      Re: 4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?


      Here is a photo of an original fuel pump never off the car. Yours should look just like it. I have a rebuilt also and it looks like this.

      Attached Files


      • Mike E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 1, 1975
        • 5106

        Re: 4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?

        I wouldn't worry about the copper rivet wearing out. Copper rivet, multi-level paper gasket with staple in the tab sticking out, 4656 stamping not in perfect alignment, stamping on the casting ridge, not on a perfectly flat surface, AC on top and bottom, wavy white lines on bottom diaphragm between main body and lower two-screw bowl are things I always look for in a genuine 4656.


        • Jack H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 1, 1990
          • 9906

          Re: 4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?

          Fuel pump's body parts are cast from pot metal and factory originals were NOT painted. Silver color varies with the exact composition of the pot metal used + degree of oxidization that comes with age.

          The wavy white lines Rev Mike speaks about look like those shown in the picture--stitching reinforcements embedded in the canvass material that aren't required/needed when service replacement gaskets/diaphrams made from rubberized material are used...
          Attached Files


          • Ian G.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 4, 2007
            • 1114

            Re: 4656 Fuel pump raw metal or plated?

            Thanks for the info guys.

            OK, so mine looks like the 4656 stamp is original, in so much as it doesn't look like it was ground down and restamped. There's some chamfer to the bottom of the mounting plate which is all the way around too. I notice in the two pictures posted, that on Jack Humphrey's pump, the inlet and outlet is pointing the opposite direction of Bob Baird's. Bob's is the right one correct? I noticed some eBay sellers (Vettegal) selling "4656" pumps with those outlets pointing the wrong direction as I understood it...

            Also, should the "AV" read right side up with the mounting plate viewed on the left or right? I noticed that difference in the pictures also.

            The new gasket I have has wavy yellow lines in it. nice touch

            If I wanted to go so far as to replace the rivet, where would I find a copper rivet?


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