Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise - NCRS Discussion Boards

Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise

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  • Stanley H.
    • September 30, 1988
    • 44

    Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise

    Will be going to Carlisle 08....looking for rear bumpers for my 66 corvette driver either exchange for replated or good shop for having mine replated bumpers have no rust but chroame flaking off ........Thanks
  • Warren F.
    • November 30, 1987
    • 1516

    Re: Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise


    I don't know the vendors name or space #, but this vendor always brings a lot of NOS or re-plated bumpers. He is usually located near the end of a swap meet row near an entrance gate.

    I've seen him there every year I've gone, wish I could help further.


    • Bruce B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 31, 1996
      • 2930

      Re: Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise

      The guys mentioned are probably Bumper Boyz from California.
      They bring a semi full of bumpers.
      If you decide to buy from them LOOK AT EACH PIECE VERY CAREFULLY.
      They do have some nice chrome but buyer beware.


      • Jeff A.
        • October 31, 2005
        • 199

        Re: Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise

        My vote would be for replating. You already know that your bumpers fit your car. A different set may require some frustrating adjustments. I recently had mine triple plated. They were in pretty good shape with some minor pitting. Ran me $325/corner. Certainly not cheap, but I'm pleased with the quality. Good luck!


        • John F.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 23, 2008
          • 2391

          Re: Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise

          Jeff, Where did you get the replating done? Name, address, phone #? I have a 62 and looking for a reputable plater.


          • Jeff A.
            • October 31, 2005
            • 199

            Re: Suggestions availability good bumpers @ Carlise

            Originally posted by John Ftacek (48800)
            Jeff, Where did you get the replating done? Name, address, phone #? I have a 62 and looking for a reputable plater.
            It's been about a year, but I used DGM Chrome Plating, 8301 Torresdale Ave, Philadelphia, PA, 19136 (215-331-0960). Don Maloney is the owner, and was a pleasure to deal with. Turnaround was 10 weeks, but that totally depends on his workload. Once I got the bumpers home, I noticed that the edge of one of them apparently wasn't totally immersed during one of the plating stages (still copper color). Don was all apologies and stood behind his work. He rechromed it for me in a week. Frankford Plating in Phila also does good work, but from what I understand, their turnaround time is fairly long. I originally intended to have Martins do the job but when I showed up on his doorstep (on State St, in Phila, as I recall), it was padlocked. A neighboring businessman told me that he closed down a few years ago. I believe his son is still in the business, but under another name. Librandi's (near Harrisburg or Middletown, PA) also does fine work. Anyway, those are the guys that are somewhat local to me. There are many others out there. A dive into the archives here or on the Corvette Forum might be worthwhile. Hope that helps.


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