Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey - NCRS Discussion Boards

Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

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  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17457

    Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

    Need information on the number of holes in '57 rear crossmembers. Am trying to determine the approximate VIN break point when the change from 3 straight holes to 5 straight holes with 2 double holes was made. So far 57 VIN 80X is the latest with 3 holes. And VIN 300X is the earliest with 5 holes. Early to mid 57 owners appreciate it if you would respond with your VIN # and number of holes in your car's rear crossmember. Thanks in advance, Gary....
    NCRS Texas Chapter

  • Bruce B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1996
    • 2930

    Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

    There is a 57 on Ebay #250256435578 which has a great picture of the rear crossmember. It has the 5 single holes and the pair of double holes.
    It is for sale by a dealer and the vin is not listed, but I believe they would tell you the vin if you contacted them. They also have another 57 listed but no frame pics.
    Good luck,
    BRuce B.


    • John S.
      Frequent User
      • January 31, 2003
      • 78

      Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

      Gary...my 57 289X has 5 holes look like drain holes and 2 sets of double holes..they have threads up inside i thot they may have been added for a trailer hitch in the dark past..maybe Roy B owned it at one time....


      • Roy B.
        • January 31, 1975
        • 7044

        Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

        Originally posted by John Simon (39358)
        Gary...my 57 289X has 5 holes look like drain holes and 2 sets of double holes..they have threads up inside i thot they may have been added for a trailer hitch in the dark past..maybe Roy B owned it at one time....
        I had a trailer hitch on every Corvette I owned to haul old dirty Corvette parts in to sell
        Last edited by Roy B.; June 11, 2008, 11:24 PM.


        • Rod K.
          Very Frequent User
          • March 31, 1990
          • 439

          Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

          My #88X '57 original has the 5 single holes only, does not have the two pairs of holes with weld nuts inside the crossmember. At least I "assume" the center hole is there, just hidden behind the 11" long remnants of a hitch welded to the center of the crossmember (Roy, could this be one of yours?? ;>) ). The second hole inboard from each side has a mate on the top surface but I don't think the outers do, and can't see the center one. An NOS replacement I have, vintage unknown, has the add'l four holes w/weld nuts.


          • David K.
            • January 31, 1976
            • 592

            Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

            Is there are purpose for the 2 pairs of holes with welded nuts?


            • Gary C.
              • October 1, 1982
              • 17457

              Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

              Dave, as far as I know there weren't any holes with welded nuts. The welded nuts came about in '58 for bumper brackets. Possibly some real late '57's with welded nuts. Service replacement rear crossmembers with 5 straight holes and 2 sets of double holes had welded nuts. Gary....
              NCRS Texas Chapter



              • Edward C.
                • August 31, 1993
                • 27

                Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

                My early (092) has two sets of double holes with welded nuts. Lost points at the Regional because of it one year. Not totally convienced that was warrented.


                • Gary C.
                  • October 1, 1982
                  • 17457

                  Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

                  Edward, are you planning on taking your '57 #092 to the Florida Regional in Jan. Would like to see it's rear cross member in person. Thanks, Gary....
                  NCRS Texas Chapter



                  • Edward C.
                    • August 31, 1993
                    • 27

                    Re: Early to Mid 57 Rear Crossmember Survey

                    I plan to be there.


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