59-61 FI fuel filter - NCRS Discussion Boards

59-61 FI fuel filter

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  • Lou C.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 1992
    • 133

    59-61 FI fuel filter

    I was working on a 1960 290 HP fuel car a few weeks ago. The car was flooding, gas pouring out of the vent on the fuel bowl.

    Made a call to JD in Pittsburgh for some trouble shooting ideas. After the call I removed the needle and seat and found a small piece of epoxy stuck under it. Where did it come from? Time to call John again.

    It turns out I have a repro 59-61 fuel filter that was sold some time ago.
    It was put together with epoxy. The epoxy breaks down over time and then you have a problem.

    Has this happened to anyone else?
    Attached Files
  • Don H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1981
    • 1473

    Re: 59-61 FI fuel filter

    I am not an expert but have seen what you describe. I silver soldered my fuel filter, not original but never leaks.
    Don H.


    • Lou C.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 31, 1992
      • 133

      Re: 59-61 FI fuel filter

      Don, If I remove the epoxy I can see on the outside will it come apart? How did you get it apart?


      • Don H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 30, 1981
        • 1473

        Re: 59-61 FI fuel filter

        It has been a long time but I think it will not come apart. The fitting is crimped in and the sealant is to seal it. I think I removed what epoxy I could and then soldered. Don H.


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