How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker - NCRS Discussion Boards

How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker

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  • Zachary K.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1986
    • 162

    How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker

    I'm interestd in finding out how the window sticker would read in the case of an Air Conditioned car (option C60) and the Tinted Glass all Windows (option A01.) This car is a convertible just for the record and the back glass wouldn't be fixed glass.

    Would the sticker read: C60 Air Conditioning only as tinted windows would have been part of the C60 package? (As all air cars have all tinted windows.) Or would it show both options seperatley.

    As opposed to a car without Air Conditioning C60 and the A01 Tinted Glass all Window option was ordered.

    Hopefully, I addressed my question clearly enough that it can be understood or can you direct me to someone with original window sticker knowledge? Thanks for the help.
    1967 L79 Sunfire Yellow Black Leather Convertible- Duntov
    1969 L71 LeMans Blue, Bright Blue Convertible
    1970 L46 Monza Red, Light Saddle Convertible - Duntov
    1976 L82 Classic White, Firethorn
    2013 LS7 Black, Ebony, Convertible

    Moved on -
    2006 LS2 Black, Ebony, Convertible
  • Stuart F.
    • August 31, 1996
    • 4676

    Re: How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker


    Just for clarity here; what exact year are you referring to? Somethings on window stickers changed thru the years, believe it or not.

    Stu Fox


    • Zachary K.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 28, 1986
      • 162

      Re: How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker

      1967 in particular. I thought the 67 icon would show up in front of the subject, sorry about that.
      1967 L79 Sunfire Yellow Black Leather Convertible- Duntov
      1969 L71 LeMans Blue, Bright Blue Convertible
      1970 L46 Monza Red, Light Saddle Convertible - Duntov
      1976 L82 Classic White, Firethorn
      2013 LS7 Black, Ebony, Convertible

      Moved on -
      2006 LS2 Black, Ebony, Convertible


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker

        Originally posted by Zachary King (9838)
        Would the sticker read: C60 Air Conditioning only as tinted windows would have been part of the C60 package? (As all air cars have all tinted windows.)
        Zachary -

        The only connection between C60 and tinted glass was on coupes, where the back window was tinted when C60 was ordered. Other than that, if you wanted tinted glass with air conditioning, you had to order it separately (A02 for windshield only or A01 for all glass). That's why there were unique ECL's for C60 between coupes and convertibles, and unique ECL's for A01 on coupes with and without C60.


        • Larry M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 31, 1991
          • 2684

          Re: How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker


          In 1967, I do not believe that tinted windows were part of the C60 air conditioning package, or were a mandatory option if C60 was selected. Obviously it is a good idea to do this, and I think most cars were sold this way, but I am not certain it was required.

          I do not have the original window sticker for my tinted window, factory air convertible, but the original tank sticker shows one line for C60 air conditioning, and a second line for A01 tinted windows.

          I think the window sticker was similar.



          • Wayne W.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • April 30, 1982
            • 3605

            Re: How would it read? Mid year Window Sticker

            Here ya go.


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