Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

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  • Glenn B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 2005
    • 169

    Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

    My orig distributor ate the tach drive gear and needs a total rebuild. At my rate of rebuilding things - this could mean loss of prime seat time. I am considering putting in an interim / spare while I take my time to rebuild it right.

    There is an item on "The bay" 150253334419 that looks very reasonable. I'm hoping somebody has used this unit and can comment on the following:

    - Looks like it is not set up for the stock plug wires (looks male instead of female).
    - appears the only connection req'd for a 67-427 would be from the 12V side of the ballast resistor?
    - WIll it fit with the orig shielding on (427) ?
  • Wayne P.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1975
    • 1025

    Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

    Don't try to make something like this work. Just fix yours! It's a 1 hour job, max.


    • William C.
      NCRS Past President
      • June 1, 1975
      • 6037

      Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

      Although I agree with Wayne that a rebuild of yours is in order, I believe if the crossgear is torn up, you need to schedule about 4-5 hours for the work, unless you are very fortunate. The minimum need will be a new cross gear and main shaft, then a repair of the thrust surface on the housing to prevent the recurrance of the problem. The likelyhood is very high that the lower bushing in the housing will be worn, so figure on replacing that as part of the rebuild, hate to see a new shaft torn up by an old bushing. Then after reassembly, you will have to have the advance curve reset as the reproduction shafts do not offer the array of shapes on the cam that the weights work against that GM used to have to achieve the correct curve. The time adds up as you look at the number of steps involved, and if you are ordering parts, order them all at once. The lower bushings are relatively inexpensive, and finding out too late that you need one leads to significant delays in the project no matter how accomidating your vendor tries to be.
      Bill Clupper #618


      • William C.
        NCRS Past President
        • June 1, 1975
        • 6037

        Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

        In addition, the use of an HEI based system will require a completely different set of sparkplug wires, both becauos of the different Distributor cap connection, and also to control the power output of the HEI. Standard points ignition systems run 25,000 volts in general, and the HEI based units (depending on the system design) can run 50,000 volts and up, well over tha capability of the old plug wires. If I were looking for a stopgap, I'd pick up a used points operated distrutor from any 1960's or 70's chevy V-8, curve it and drop it in to drive without the tach hooked up. Much more time and cost effective than switching to HEI and then back.
        Bill Clupper #618


        • Stuart F.
          • September 1, 1996
          • 4676

          Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

          I agree with Bill on this one. In fact, I keep just such an animal around for just that purpose, complete with a Petronix kit in it ready to plop in and go w/o tach. Mine is a 57 distributor which even has the oiler tube on the side with the snap cap (old style). I think it weighs twice as much as my 63 w/ tach drive unit (just seems that way). I also have one in my parts stock that has a kit on it that converts it to use a large diameter blue Ford cap and uses a rotor that is position adjustable. Don't recall the name of the kit, but it's neat and I have never tried it in a car. The distributor is Aluminum.

          Stu Fox


          • John H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • December 1, 1997
            • 16513

            Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

            NAPA has rebuilt Chevy V-8 distributors for about fifty bucks, including points, condenser, and vacuum advance, ready to drop in; touch up the curve and you're in business (without a tach) so you can drive while gathering parts for the rebuild.


            • Glenn B.
              Very Frequent User
              • March 1, 2005
              • 169

              Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

              Hi Bill - thanks for your advice. Your rebuild plan is exactly what I had planned to do (after much researching of the archives), am now just waiting for the parts to arrive.

              I went through the whole process of curving the distributor last year and now have a supply of springs - so when you add that to the time budget, I expect it will be at least a few weekends worth given how much free time I have avail these days. Wayne is clearly both a much better mechanic and more optimistic than I am - hence my thoughts to pick up a "spare".

              Yeah - I figured the leads were incompatible with the HEI setup - looks like a NAPA remanufactured unit (tachless) is the way to go.


              • Glenn B.
                Very Frequent User
                • March 1, 2005
                • 169

                Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                Thanks John - just what I was going to do. BTW - I managed to buy a used copy of Corvette Enthusiast with your distributor rebuild atricle - I'm waiting for that to arrive also - I'm sure it will be a great help.


                • Jim K.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • September 1, 2000
                  • 554

                  Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                  Hi John, how do you "touch up the curve"? i'm sure it's not a quick answer...


                  • William C.
                    NCRS Past President
                    • June 1, 1975
                    • 6037

                    Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                    I don't know about John, but I have the advantage of owning a distributor machine leftover from my wasted youth as a Drag Racer. A dialback timing light can also be used with the timing tab on the engine, essentially you need to get a handle on what the actual advance curve vs rpm map is and adjust the springs (or in some cases the weights) to achieve a desirable curve. What's desirable? The '65 Special high performance curve is about as good a street compromise as there is for a Chevy V8.
                    Bill Clupper #618


                    • Lyndon S.
                      • May 1, 1988
                      • 1027

                      Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                      Why do you have to take out the distributor? Could you just undo the tach cable an run it like that?


                      • Glenn B.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • March 1, 2005
                        • 169

                        Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                        Anyone recall what the R in NCRS stands for?


                        • Jack H.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • April 1, 1990
                          • 9906

                          Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                          Different distributors had different shaped advance curve weights, different tension weight springs and different vac advance assy's (there were other minor component/construction differences too). Those with distributor test machines (Sun, Etc.) who specialize in rebuilding/testing distributors, typically have a selection of various advance weights and springs allowing them to 'fine tune' a given distributor to achieve the specific advance vs. RPM curve they're after.

                          Many with appropriate experience have a good 'feel' for what needs to be changed to achieve this/that objective and they do the job by intuition + distributor component substitution....


                          • Glenn B.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • March 1, 2005
                            • 169

                            Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                            Jim, as Bill indicated - it is something you can do with a dial back timing lights. I did this last year after researching the archives. I put together the most informative information I collected into a Word doc for myself - if you are interested - PM me with your email address and I will send it to you.


                            • Christopher R.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • April 1, 1975
                              • 1597

                              Re: Aftermarket Distributor for C2?

                              Originally posted by Jim & Gail Kennedy (34763)
                              Hi John, how do you "touch up the curve"? i'm sure it's not a quick answer...

                              You put it on a Sun distributor tester machine. It's a machine that tests and can calibrate the advance curve on a distributor. They're still around. See EBay auction 130225662066 for a picture of one. There may be others.

                              I'm having mine done, as we speak, by a machine shop in Burlington, Massachusetts. If you're going, bring your distributor on Sunday to Larz Anderson, and I'll bring it to my guy in Burlington for you.


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