Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please. - NCRS Discussion Boards

Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

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  • John D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1979
    • 5507

    Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

    Our Pittsburgh Tri-State chapter is hosting a Regional June 12-14th.
    Is it a requirement that all members of our chapter that are on the various work details or committees be required to register for this event?
    AS the co-show chairman of the event I was under the impression for many years that our members should in fact register so they can display proper ID and attend all functions of the event. Are various other members of the chapter required to register if they are not volunteers or workers?
    We are charging 2.00 at various indoor areas for admission and those people will be given ID stickers, etc. Thanks very much, John D.
    Last edited by John D.; May 28, 2008, 03:17 PM.
  • Edward M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 31, 1985
    • 1916

    Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.


    You have opened a can of worms with this issue. Don't ask me how I know. I am also curious as to the answer.


    • Michael W.
      • March 31, 1997
      • 4290

      Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

      Two points:

      I've never been to an event (Chapter, Regional, National) where I did not have to register to be able to participate or 'work'.

      Why would the members of your chapter be treated differently than members of other chapters?


      • Patrick H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1989
        • 11561

        Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.


        I can tell you that we required all volunteers for our recent Motor City Regional to register for the event. We have always required Chapter members to register to attend the Chapter meets as well.

        If someone was not volunteering, was not showing a car, and was just visiting then they could pay our gate entrance fee as general public and we didn't know any different.

        Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
        71 "deer modified" coupe
        72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
        2008 coupe
        Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


        • Edward M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • October 31, 1985
          • 1916

          Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

          I was asked to work as a judge at one event in the past. I told the meet chairman that I was not registered. His reply was "I don't care, I am critically short of judges. Will you do it?"

          I judged, without having registered. Even got my points for having judged.


          • Mark L.
            Very Frequent User
            • July 31, 1989
            • 543

            Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

            The NCRS Bylaws (section 22.2) require every member who attends a Regional or National Convention to register for the event. We realize there may be a member who only wishes to view the cars and does not have the time or interest to participate in any of the events. In this case they may purchase a gate pass to enter where the cars are displayed. However no member may participate in any event (this includes judging, being an observer judge or attending a seminar) without a registration tag.


            • John D.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • November 30, 1979
              • 5507

              Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

              Originally posted by Mark Lincoln (15530)
              The NCRS Bylaws (section 22.2) require every member who attends a Regional or National Convention to register for the event. We realize there may be a member who only wishes to view the cars and does not have the time or interest to participate in any of the events. In this case they may purchase a gate pass to enter where the cars are displayed. However no member may participate in any event (this includes judging, being an observer judge or attending a seminar) without a registration tag.
              Once again Mark Lincoln you have come thru for our Pittsburgh chapter and others. This is EXACTLY the info I (we) are looking for. Appreciate the very fast and timely answer. Thanks so much, John E. DeGregory


              • Gary C.
                • October 1, 1982
                • 17457

                Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                p.s. John, a NCRS member can only attend one day under the day rate. If a NCRS member attends multiple days then they're are supposed to be registered. Gary....
                NCRS Texas Chapter



                • Donald B.
                  • May 31, 2004
                  • 299

                  Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                  Being totally uninformed - I'm curious are there any requirements/standards regarding registration FEES?

                  A fee structure could be established such that judges/instructor/volunteers,etc. must register but there is no fee. Charging someone to volunteer/work sounds short-sighted. The registration is strictly for administrative purposes.


                  • Terry M.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • September 30, 1980
                    • 15543

                    Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                    In the distant past I have been to some Chapter meets where there was a discount registration for those judging. Not free, but a reduced rate.

                    I can tell you that putting on a Regional, and some Chapter meets as well, is an expensive proposition. It is a rare event now days that can afford to offer discounted registration. I suppose if one had a free location, and didn't offer food or refreshments to the workers, one might be able to pull it off -- but not too many would be willing to work the next year.
                    Last edited by Terry M.; May 28, 2008, 04:15 PM.


                    • Patrick H.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • November 30, 1989
                      • 11561

                      Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                      Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
                      I can tell you that putting on a Regional, and some Chapter meets as well, is an expensive proposition. It is a rare event now days that can afford to offer discounted registration. I suppose if one had a free location, and didn't offer food or refreshments to the workers, one might be able to pull it off -- but not too many would be willing to work the next year.
                      Very expensive.
                      I have not yet seen the final numbers but if you add together the Judged Car fees plus the registration fees for our recent event, in rough estimates it covered ONLY the rent for the exhibit hall. Then there's the other 80% of the budget...

                      If people wouldn't eat like p*gs at the Warmup party it might cut the cost of a Regional in half. But, I didn't say that, did I? Easy way to drop $5000.

                      Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                      71 "deer modified" coupe
                      72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
                      2008 coupe
                      Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                      • Donald B.
                        • May 31, 2004
                        • 299

                        Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                        Originally posted by Patrick Hulst (16386)
                        Very expensive.
                        I have not yet seen the final numbers but if you add together the Judged Car fees plus the registration fees for our recent event, in rough estimates it covered ONLY the rent for the exhibit hall. Then there's the other 80% of the budget...

                        If people wouldn't eat like p*gs at the Warmup party it might cut the cost of a Regional in half. But, I didn't say that, did I? Easy way to drop $5000.

                        I didn't have a clue how "uninformed" I was.

                        Don't mean to "hijack" this thread - but - in general terms, where does all the money come from if not from Registration and judging fees?


                        • Patrick H.
                          Beyond Control Poster
                          • November 30, 1989
                          • 11561

                          Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                          Originally posted by Donald Banas (42016)
                          I didn't have a clue how "uninformed" I was.

                          Don't mean to "hijack" this thread - but - in general terms, where does all the money come from if not from Registration and judging fees?
                          In our case it was sponsors, clothing sales, sponsors, Milford Event, sponsors and a few miscellaneous sources.
                          We broke even on the Wine & Cheese party since one of our members is a wine distributor and donated the wine. The banquet pays for itself. Each Regional has to come up with its own formula. I've heard other ways by talking with other Reginal chairpersons over the last 3 years.

                          Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
                          71 "deer modified" coupe
                          72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
                          2008 coupe
                          Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


                          • Dick W.
                            Former NCRS Director Region IV
                            • June 30, 1985
                            • 10483

                            Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                            Patrick a few years back I saw chapter members digging in their pockets to help defray the costs. It was that or the chapter would fold. Some Regionals still do not break even. It is a tough venture. I probably have been involved in 10 or more Regionals with various chapters over the years and figuring how to pay for every thing is always a big topic of any meeting. I am afraid that sponsorships will be hard to find for the next year or two until the economy turns around.
                            Dick Whittington


                            • Clem Z.
                              • December 31, 2005
                              • 9427

                              Re: Need A Ruling From Leaders of NCRS please.

                              Originally posted by Donald Banas (42016)
                              Being totally uninformed - I'm curious are there any requirements/standards regarding registration FEES?

                              A fee structure could be established such that judges/instructor/volunteers,etc. must register but there is no fee. Charging someone to volunteer/work sounds short-sighted. The registration is strictly for administrative purposes.
                              any volunteer organization has the same problem. our corvette club puts on a event called the "Lap of Pa" where someone volunteers to lay out the 500/1000 mile event and even staying over several night on the road at their own expense . i have done this several times and still had to pay the fee to run the actual event.


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