'67 327/399hp Auto - Replacement Exhaust System

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  • Kirk M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 2006
    • 1036

    '67 327/399hp Auto - Replacement Exhaust System

    Just wanted to check before ordering. I will be replacing my exhaust pipes and mufflers with a new system later this summer. I am looking to keep the car as stock as possible so am considering Corvette Central 322637 with the OEM-style welded mufflers. Is Corvette Central correct in stating that this is how my original exhaust system would have been constructed for my car? In other words, were the mufflers welded to the secondary exhaust pipes? Thanks.

  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: '67 327/399hp Auto - Replacement Exhaust System

    Originally posted by Kirk McHugh (46057)
    Is Corvette Central correct in stating that this is how my original exhaust system would have been constructed for my car? In other words, were the mufflers welded to the secondary exhaust pipes? Thanks.

    Kirk -

    Yes, that's the way the factory-installed system was configured - the mufflers and intermediate pipes were a welded assembly.


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