Zinc phosphate in engine oil

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  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 1, 1993
    • 15490

    Re: Zinc phosphate in engine oil

    Originally posted by David Duell (43184)
    Not to take this back off topic yet again, but I gather you are saying that the Zerex G05 is the stuff to find and use? David


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: Zinc phosphate in engine oil

      Originally posted by Stuart Fox (28060)
      The October issue of the Corvette fever Magazine has "another voice" heard from on the subject on Page 75, Resto Clnic, in answer to an inquiry. Don't exactly know who the responder is, but it is an extensive write up for the column. He claims, among other things, that CJ-4 won't do any good. Interesting reading on the subject. Guess this just can't be put to bed.

      Stu Fox
      I read that last night (Jeff Bernhardt) and just kept shaking my head - it's completely off-base and full of misinformation; he obviously knows nothing about API service classifications, ZDDP concentrations, or anything else about oil.


      • Ron N.
        • August 19, 2008
        • 243

        Re: Zinc phosphate in engine oil

        I read the article on ZDDP in that issue and some other articles on the need for ZDDP in older Vetts. That let me to Brad Penn Motor Oil that is advertizied to be the same formulation as Kendall / Amalie Oils. http://www.bradpennracing.com/News/news.html
        Anyone use this stuff or have info on it.

        I am new to NCRS and have found this Forum to be a great source of knowledge.

        Original owner of a 67 (327/300) convertable.


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