72 Seat belt guide replacement or restoration? - NCRS Discussion Boards

72 Seat belt guide replacement or restoration?

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  • Randall K.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 31, 2005
    • 184

    72 Seat belt guide replacement or restoration?

    My seat belt guides for my '72 (GM 3996874) have a pretty good accumulation of surface rust. Does anyone know of a replacement source for these? I can't seem to locate them through the usual sources...

    Alternatively - any recommendations for chemical rust removal?

    Were these part chromed originally?

    Thanks in advance!
  • James B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1985
    • 217

    Re: 72 Seat belt guide replacement or restoration?

    Have you considered bead-blasting them?


    • James B.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 28, 1985
      • 217

      Re: 72 Seat belt guide replacement or restoration?

      BTW: The parts were not chromed originally.


      • Jeremy D.
        Very Frequent User
        • October 31, 1998
        • 323

        Re: 72 Seat belt guide replacement or restoration?

        For what its worth, I've had some outstandingly good luck with a product that Permatex makes.....it's out in the barn, but it's got a name like "Rust Remover" or "Rust Dissolver", that works AWESOME. It comes in a container like NeverSieze and also in a spray pump bottle. You either brush it on or just spray it on, and it'll take the rust right off of just about anything and not discolor the plating/color of what's underneath. It also works like a torch.....I sprayed the crap out of the drivers side trailing arm bolt on my '71 that had never been off....went back the next day and the stuff had eaten the original junk bushings (which are getting replaced anyways) but I was able to break the nut loose and take out the bolt, nut, and all shims fully intact. I had to torch the passengers side out before I found this stuff. I got it at Farm & Fleet for like $5.00....I think it's basically muriatic acid with some other stuff in it, but when I pulled my original trailing arm bolt out without a torch or Sawzall....I'm gonna get a case of the stuff!! If it lets me drop the diff crossmember without a prybar and torch.....I'll buy stock in Permatex.


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