66 Coupe different glass dates - concern?

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  • Ed K.
    • October 9, 2007
    • 14

    66 Coupe different glass dates - concern?

    I looked at a 66 coupe stated to be all original for possible purchase & would ask your comments regarding glass dates. The car build date was 5/66 and the windshield, pass door, & hatch glass were dated 2/66. The passenger door glass was dated 10/65. This might indicate a door change, glass change or maybe nothing at all. Your thoughts?

    Also what would be an acceptable range between build date & glass date.

    Thanks - Ed
  • Donald T.
    • October 1, 2002
    • 1319

    Re: 66 Coupe different glass dates - concern?

    I have a 65 with glass that I believe to be original. Some of the glass is dated three months prior to build date and the rest is dated six months prior to build date. I have seen this in other original cars as well. This in itself would not raise a red flag with me.


    • Joel F.
      • May 1, 2004
      • 659

      Re: 66 Coupe different glass dates - concern?

      Originally posted by Ed Kaar (47972)
      Also what would be an acceptable range between build date & glass date.

      The standard says 1 year prior is acceptable, though more typically within 6 months.

      I would not think twice about the dates you are seeing.



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