'77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install - NCRS Discussion Boards

'77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install

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  • Robert C.
    • November 30, 2005
    • 164

    '77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install


    I replaced a old Hurst Competition Plus in a '77. It wouldn't shift into reverse.

    Underneath I found the bolt that held the shifter to the plate was really pushing against the tail shaft. The shifter and bushing seemed pretty beat, so I decided to replace it with a new Hurst Comp. Plus (kit with rods, lever, etc.)

    With the new shifter in place, it's grinding terribly trying to shift into reverse.

    The shift rods for 1-2 and 3-4 are vertical, and I thought I didn't have the
    reverse gear fully engaged. I made an adjustment, but still the same noise. Not as bad, but it still not going into reverse easily.

    It's almost like the 1-4 gears are turning......

    The only thing I did different from the original setup was add the spacer plate Hurst provides for the shift handle to offset it slighly for console clearance.

    It shifts smoothly on the ground. When placed in neutral, the alignment pin slides through.

    Any ideas ???

    Thanks in advance, since I'm sure someone has run into this before.

  • Paul D.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 30, 1996
    • 491

    Re: '77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install

    If you hear or feel grinding, gears are turning. Try shifting into 2nd to stop the gears from turning before shifting into reverse. If you still have the grinding, I would guess the clutch is not completely disengaging. I would not expect a shifter replacement to cause this unless other work was done at the same time. Let us know what you find out.


    • Joel A.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 30, 1997
      • 204

      Re: '77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install

      Reverse is NOT synchronized in the Muncie or Borg Warner, so you can sometimes get a little grind out of them. I normally shift into a forward gear first to alleviate this issue.
      I doubt the shifter replacement has anything to do with the reverse issue...just coincidence.
      I'd have to agree on the clutch not fully disengaging, or possibly the pilot bushing/bearing is dragging a bit. You might try a clutch adjustment just to see if that helps out.
      Joel Adams
      1974 Coupe
      1985 Coupe
      "I know the voices aren't real...but sometimes they have some really kewl ideas...."


      • Robert C.
        • November 30, 2005
        • 164

        Re: '77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install

        Thanks for you help.....I was thinking along those too last night (clutch dragging)

        I'm going to try and track down when/if the clutch was replaced.

        I was aware that reverse wasn't sync'd like 1 to 4 and I tried shifting
        into 1 and 2 before going into reverse. With all the noise the gears were
        making and the fact that shifting into reverse was always a problem, I'm
        wondering how screwed up reverse might be internally.

        I'm also going to double check the part numbers on the box with Hurst's
        web site just to make sure. I was just thinking if I disconnect the 1-2 and
        3-4 levers and snap it into reverse without the shifter in place, I think that will eliminate the shifter as a potential problem.


        • Robert C.
          • November 30, 2005
          • 164

          Re: '77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install

          Well, found something else out.

          I double checked the linkage and everything was fine, so I started the car
          up in reverse and backed it up just fine. No noise while in gear.

          Going through the forward gears were good.

          Shifting from 1st, 2nd, neutral to reverse we get alot of gear nosie and grinding.

          I'm starting to feel the years of forcing it into to reverse may of taken it's tool on the 'ol T-10.......or do guys think the dragging clutch comes into play still?



          • John H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • November 30, 1997
            • 16513

            Re: '77 Reverse gear noise after shifter install

            The only thing that determines whether or not the cluster gear is turning is the clutch; even when the clutch linkage is properly assembled and adjusted, it needs a few seconds to "spin down" before engaging reverse. If it doesn't "spin down" (which appears to be your issue), you need to properly adjust the clutch linkage.


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