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What are the points deductions for scratched but clean side curtains, and what is the best way to polish them, thanks Brad ? Any answers on that horn doink, three days ago all doink, tonight it honked four times then went right back to only doinks, this is doinking me. later, Brad.
What are the points deductions for scratched but clean side curtains, and what is the best way to polish them, thanks Brad ? Any answers on that horn doink, three days ago all doink, tonight it honked four times then went right back to only doinks, this is doinking me. later, Brad.
Using wet sand paper to remove scratches then buff them, I made this clear bubble top and did the same ,so do I know what I'm saying?????
Thanks Roy on the grit size, my horn sometimes honks fine but most of the time it just goes doink, horns work fine when hooked to battery, horn relay checks out fine, horn contact under horn button sparks fine, all wires have been checked and seem clean, courtesy lights dim way down when doinking, by doink I mean sounds like it starts to honk then imediatley stops, also is it worth putting the new carb kits in these side drafts (yh) when their are so many things that can make these carb drip? Thanks again Brad ( June 29 judging)
The TV program "Law And Order" paid a lot of money for the development of the "doink doink" sound on their shows. At least that's what Markissa led us to believe.
I guess you should feel happy you didn't pay anything
Sounds to me like the battery connected directly to the horn gives the horn full voltage with very little current/amperage drop while the voltage passing through the relay and subsequent wiring may have a resistor effect, reducing the available current.
I would check the resistance or voltage starting at the feed side of the relay (make sure the relay is seeing full voltage) and go all the way up front to the horn terminals. Cruddy points in the relay and/or old terminals and terminal ends with slight corrosion will reduce the voltage available to the horn. If the wiring is original, there may be an area of wiring effected by a number of factors that you can't see through the insulation (corrosion, work hardened, frayed, pulled and stretched at one point breaking strands) that allows current drop. You might try running a jumper wire from the relay directly to the horn and see if it still misbehaves. That would rule out the wiring and terminals.
I'm sure you know the horn button only activates the relay. The relay is the actual switch from the power source. The points closing in the relay is what supplies the horn with voltage. The horn button only activated an electro magnet in the relay that brings the points together.
EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention. If you have a six volt car and sometime in it's life it was rewired, six volts requires the wiring to carry twice the amperage of twelve volts. If you find the wiring to the horn is small (16 or 18 gauge) I don't think it will pull the amps.
If, as you say, all this checks out fine, then your horn is probably asking you to rebuild it by giving you the "doink."
Thanks Roy on the grit size, my horn sometimes honks fine but most of the time it just goes doink, horns work fine when hooked to battery, horn relay checks out fine, horn contact under horn button sparks fine, all wires have been checked and seem clean, courtesy lights dim way down when doinking, by doink I mean sounds like it starts to honk then imediatley stops, also is it worth putting the new carb kits in these side drafts (yh) when their are so many things that can make these carb drip?usely the needle not seating or floats to high. Thanks again Brad ( June 29 judging)
I wrote about the dripping many years ago telling people to use Corvair Turbo rebuilt kits because they used a rubber nose needle with a spring inside that could take the vibrations better and lower the floats just a little more then what is called out. Many older boats also used the Corvette Corvair Carbs and used the Corvair kit.
Randy gave good advice for trouble shooting the horn relay , I would also check that the horns are grounded good at the Radiator support .What helps ground the radiator support to the Corvette frame are the two carriage bolts that supports the front body and the harness ground wires to the support.Headlights and parking carry there own ground wire. The courtesy light are just losing voltage if your grounding is bad for the horns.
What are the points deductions for scratched but clean side curtains, and what is the best way to polish them, thanks Brad ? Any answers on that horn doink, three days ago all doink, tonight it honked four times then went right back to only doinks, this is doinking me. later, Brad.
Years ago I purchased a product called Micro Mesh which contained a series of super fine cloth squares used to remove scratches from Plexiglass. I purchased it through a local airport FBO as they used it for airplane windows etc..
Years ago I purchased a product called Micro Mesh which contained a series of super fine cloth squares used to remove scratches from Plexiglass. I purchased it through a local airport FBO as they used it for airplane windows etc..
I believed you because I learned it the hard way at school: "Here polish this raw piece of Plexiglas into a scratch-less, shiny cube... Well, 5 weeks and a lot of sandpaper and copper polish later...
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