Antenna Ground Strap - NCRS Discussion Boards

Antenna Ground Strap

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  • James R.
    • September 30, 2005
    • 93

    Antenna Ground Strap

    I am installing a new antenna in my 65. The existing antenna assembly did not have the antenna bracket or ground strap. Instead the antenna was held in place with a piece of metal strapping that was bolted to the bottom of the antenna and the other end to a bolt on the top side of the frame. The AIM shows the ground strap looping from the lower bolt on the antenna bracket but I cannot tell where the other end goes. I assume it would be to the bolt on the top side of the frame. Is this correct?

    To reassemble the new antenna, after attaching the ground strap to the frame, would I attach would I attach the strap and antenna to the bracket and install it as one unit and affix the bracket to the back plate or would I install the bracket first and then install the antenna?

    Any advice would be appreciated.
  • Eugene B.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 31, 1988
    • 710

    Re: Antenna Ground Strap

    The other end of the ground strap attaches with a self-threading, hex head bolt to a hole in the outside of the frame about two inches forward of the rear body mount.

    You have to snake the flat strap through the body mount and frame area to get to the hole. Remember the assembly sequence: bolt, ground strap, star washer, frame.

    Hope this info is helpful.



    • James R.
      • September 30, 2005
      • 93

      Re: Antenna Ground Strap

      Thanks Gene. Hopfully everything will go smooth tonight when I put it all together.



      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: Antenna Ground Strap

        Looks like this when it's done - the star washer goes between the strap and the frame.
        Attached Files


        • Bob R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 30, 2002
          • 1595

          Re: Antenna Ground Strap

          I've been wondering where the ground strap connects on my 63. Is it the same location?


          • John H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • November 30, 1997
            • 16513

            Re: Antenna Ground Strap

            Originally posted by Bob Rosenblatt (38164)
            I've been wondering where the ground strap connects on my 63. Is it the same location?
            According to the '63 A.I.M., 63's were different, using a hole on the bottom surface of the frame rail; see your Assembly Manual, section U65, sheet 4.00.

            Easy to see why they changed it in '64, as the '63 location creates a salt/mud corrosion trap.


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