engine compartment photos - '65

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  • Noel K.
    • November 1, 2004
    • 84

    engine compartment photos - '65

    I'm going to make one more run at top flight for my '65 roadster. Last time I came very close and plan to replace the battery and the hubcaps for quite a few points - I hope.

    One of the areas that cost me some points was the engine compartment i.e. overspray or lack thereof, too shiny, too dull.

    This information can't be found in the JM or the restoration manuals - I'd like to request a mentor with a '65 send me some pics of the engine compartment helping me to clean up the engine bay for a few extra points. perhaps any other written ideas about how/where to paint/overspray/dull up/shine up, etc.

    thanks all in advance,

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