Fuel door-early 63

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  • Rainer S.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 1, 2003
    • 468

    Fuel door-early 63

    Is there an easy way to get the pivot pin (1/8" X 2 1/2") out of the fuel door ?
    Mine seams to be "frozen-up" in the 2, approx 1/2" in. section of the potmetal hinge. I tried to hit it with a punch to get it out, but it will not move. I don't want to hit it too hard, may break the ears off. There is no way to back-up the inside of the hinge, due to the hinge bracket.
    I can support the bottom hinge, but when applying force to the top hinge, it may break...
    If there is no way to push the pin out, I will drill it out, but will have to find a replacembent pin. (don't know who sells them).

  • John D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1979
    • 5507

    Re: Fuel door-early 63

    Originally posted by Rainer Schwager (39931)
    Is there an easy way to get the pivot pin (1/8" X 2 1/2") out of the fuel door ?
    Mine seams to be "frozen-up" in the 2, approx 1/2" in. section of the potmetal hinge. I tried to hit it with a punch to get it out, but it will not move. I don't want to hit it too hard, may break the ears off. There is no way to back-up the inside of the hinge, due to the hinge bracket.
    I can support the bottom hinge, but when applying force to the top hinge, it may break...
    If there is no way to push the pin out, I will drill it out, but will have to find a replacembent pin. (don't know who sells them).

    Soak it in PB Blaster. That stuff is magic. Apply a little heat to it also.
    Trim Products has a beautiful repro and its cheap. I believe its a one point deduction. If they improved the lens it would be really dead nuts. It does have a logo on it though which is a fast giveaway. My 63 has an early early repro on it that Long Island made or sold for a short time in the early 80's. No logo but easy to disquinish from the real deal because of the lens or emblem. It gets a one point deduct which isn't bad.
    You are a brute for punishment. I admire your spunk on using original parts. Replating a mirror, now replating this part. Go for it. Nice to see you are not building a repromobile. JD

    Pin: Check McMaster Carr for some drill rod and cut it off and round it off to suit.
    Last edited by John D.; April 30, 2008, 08:39 AM.


    • Rainer S.
      Very Frequent User
      • June 1, 2003
      • 468

      Re: Fuel door-early 63


      Thanks, I soaked it in a solution used to loosen bolts, tried it and it worked.
      Got the pin out. It was tight only for a 1/8" serrated portion of the pin. Once that was out of the hole, the pin came out ...
      Off to the Fini Chrome it goes.
      I actually have (2) of those lids, will have them both chromed (same price-250 minimum for the lot). W
      Will use the better of the (2).
      Got the new emblem from Trim Parts. Other than distinct circular marks from machining, it looks good.



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