1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt - NCRS Discussion Boards

1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt

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  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1983
    • 5174

    1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt

    I just purchased a solenoid splash shield for my 67 and need to know what the correct screw that attaches the shield to the starter brace looks like. If someone can post a picture and dimentions I would appreciate it. Also, does the nut that holds the starter brace to the starter through bolt have a lock washer? Thanks
  • Ken A.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 31, 1986
    • 929

    Re: 1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt

    It is a self taping 1/4 -20 hex head with a flat end (not pointed). I used a lock nut on the stud.


    • Larry M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 31, 1991
      • 2684

      Re: 1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt


      Pictures of the starter brace nut and the solenoid heat shield screw are on the Long Island Corvette Supply webpage: http://www.licorvette.com. Item numbers are #21-17 for the solenoid shield screw and #21-18B for the starter brace nut.



      • Timothy B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 30, 1983
        • 5174

        Re: 1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt

        Thanks Larry and Ken, The hole in the brace and shield I have is smaller than 1/4" but if I understand you it's a hex head machine screw, correct?


        • Jeff S.
          Very Frequent User
          • July 31, 1984
          • 383

          Re: 1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt


          It's a 10-24 hex head machine screw with an external tooth lockwasher on my '66. The starter brace has female threads, so the screw is not of the 'self tapping' variety.


          • Timothy B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • April 30, 1983
            • 5174

            Re: 1967 starter solenoil heat shield bolt

            Thanks Jeff, that sounds about right when looking at the size of the hole in the starter brace.


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