61 radiator cowl rubbers

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  • Richard G.
    Frequent User
    • May 1, 1991
    • 68

    61 radiator cowl rubbers

    Years ago I took the bits of rubber off the bottom front of the radiator cowl because I didn't like the look of them. Realising now that they help direct more air to the radiator and may keep the engine cooler, I purchased repo ones. My question is, how wide (not the length)should the long strip of rubber that goes across the bottom of the radiator be? I seem to remember them being a lot wider than the reproduction rubbers. The repo rubbers are only 1 1/2 inches wide. Anyone out there with the originals still in place? The repos hardly have enought width to glue them in. Silly question but I'd like to get it right. Thanks
  • Mike E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 1975
    • 5106

    Re: 61 radiator cowl rubbers

    Memories can be faulty! Correct width is 1 1/2". Originals had several longitudinal lines in them--repros don't.


    • Larry C.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 1, 1980
      • 279

      Re: 61 radiator cowl rubbers

      Richard, I have the original rubber seals for my 1962 late production. Bottom is 1.5" wide as indicated by Mike. Length is 18.5". The longitudinal lines also indicated by Mike are on the back side of my seal which appears to have been glued with the yellow 3M type weatherstrip cement. The lines are not very prominent with two lines close together in the middle and one each near the outside edges for a total of 4 lines. The side seals are 2.75" wide.


      • Richard G.
        Frequent User
        • May 1, 1991
        • 68

        Re: 61 radiator cowl rubbers

        Thanks guys! I think I'll have to take the hood off to properly place the seals and I wanted to get it right the 1st time.


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