Digitizing Film

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  • Joseph T.
    • May 1, 1976
    • 2074

    Digitizing Film

    I need advice on what equipment to use to digitize a large amount of 16 mm film and transfer to DVD.

    All help will be appreciated.

    Many thanks,

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: Digitizing Film

    Originally posted by Joseph Trybulec (930)
    I need advice on what equipment to use to digitize a large amount of 16 mm film and transfer to DVD.

    All help will be appreciated.

    Many thanks,


    I think you will find that the most practical and highest quality way to do this is to have it professionally done. It is expensive but by the time you obtain the equipment and figure out how to get it done, you'll be way ahead of the game just having it done. I had a large amount of 8mm film I had transferred about 5 years ago.

    Keep this in mind, though: if you have it done, you want a lab that can transfer directly from film to DVD. You don't want film to VHS to DVD. Once-upon-a-time, the latter was just about the only way it was done. Now, many labs can do it direct to DVD. There is a BIG difference in quality when you go direct to DVD rather than the VHS intermediate step.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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