1967, 300 HP, AC, PS.
I have removed the stamped steel pulley retaining nut from my power steering pump with an impact gun and will remove the pulley using a rent-a-tool at the auto parts store.
To install the pulley, the Assembly Instruction Manual (AIM) on UPC N40, A5 states in the Mandatory Assembly Procedure, Step 4, to "use a stall wrench & while applying a brake force in pulley groove, torque nut."
How does one apply 60 lb. ft. of torque to the nut without one of these stall wrenches?
I have removed the stamped steel pulley retaining nut from my power steering pump with an impact gun and will remove the pulley using a rent-a-tool at the auto parts store.
To install the pulley, the Assembly Instruction Manual (AIM) on UPC N40, A5 states in the Mandatory Assembly Procedure, Step 4, to "use a stall wrench & while applying a brake force in pulley groove, torque nut."
