1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

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  • Erik S.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 31, 2004
    • 407

    1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

    Hello, I own a fairly original March 1969 L46 convertible with manual transmission no AC. It does not have the expansion tank and I know that the book from our sponsor says it should have one. However, are there any documented cars around that do not have this tank? I have not looked at it in great detail but is there an easy way to verify whether it had one or not - I would assume some kind of holes in the body??

    Last edited by Erik S.; April 21, 2008, 03:46 PM.
  • Tom S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 29, 2004
    • 1087

    Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

    There is no expansion tank on a 69 L-46. I am sure Joe Lucia will chime in also as he still has the one he bought new!


    • Marc R.
      • March 31, 2004
      • 288

      Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

      I believe your non AC would have had one. The AC cars did not.


      • Tom S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • February 29, 2004
        • 1087

        Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

        I had a pretty original 69 L-46 with very low miles and it did not have one on it. I am fairly sure it was not removed. Lets get Joe's answer on this.


        • Lawrence M.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 31, 1995
          • 404

          Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

          Hi Erik,
          My very late, (Dec 15th) 1969 no A/C L-46 had a copper radiator and no surge tank. Rick Bizzoco's 1969 Stingray Guidebook says base engine cars usually had an aluminum radiator and suge tank, while L-46 cars usally had a copper radiator and no surge tank. My 1969 no A/C L-46 Top Flighted and earned a Bloomington Gold with the copper radiator and no surge tank configuration. My 69 is now with a new owner. Hope this helps.

          2002 Z51 Convertible
          1969 L46 Convertible


          • Joe L.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • January 31, 1988
            • 43160

            Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

            Originally posted by Tom Stanton (41491)
            I had a pretty original 69 L-46 with very low miles and it did not have one on it. I am fairly sure it was not removed. Lets get Joe's answer on this.


            My car is (was) a 300 hp. However, I have a very good friend that is the original owner of a 1969 L-46 and I've mentioned him before, so that may be what you were thinking of. His car, a very early 1969, was built with an aluminum radiator and supply tank. However, most later 1969 L-46 were built with the copper brass radiator GM #3018803 which used no external supply tank. Cars with this radiator also used shroud GM #3956109. These cars will also not have the inner passenger side fender drilled for supply tank bracket attachment.
            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


            • Ralph S.
              • January 31, 1985
              • 935

              Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

              I had a 69 L46 no A/C that i bought new (july built) it did not have the expansion tank.


              • Dennis D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • February 29, 2000
                • 1067

                Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

                Late 69's paving the road for the 70 L-46 which only had the copper rad/ no expansion setup I guess. (and LT1 for that matter)


                • Erik S.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • December 31, 2004
                  • 407

                  Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

                  Thanks guys - I think this is on the wish list then for the revision of the 68-69 JG. I have a new alu rad from the Witts, but I guess then I leave it like it is now - no tank.

                  Greetz from the sunny Amsterdam canals,


                  • Joe L.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • January 31, 1988
                    • 43160

                    Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

                    Originally posted by Erik Stroeve (43069)
                    Thanks guys - I think this is on the wish list then for the revision of the 68-69 JG. I have a new alu rad from the Witts, but I guess then I leave it like it is now - no tank.

                    Greetz from the sunny Amsterdam canals,

                    Yes, I think that's a change that will need to get into the next edition of the 68-69 JG. There will also be a need to eliminate "350 hp with Auto" from the chart for both 1968 and 1969. The 1968 L-79 and 1969 L-46 were not available with auto transmission. So, there was no radiator used with that combination because said combination never existed.

                    I'm ashamed of myself for not picking up the L-46 radiator issue and the above-referenced issue when I reviewed the JG.
                    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                    • Steven H.
                      • June 29, 2009
                      • 137

                      Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

                      This is an excellent thread and is the reason I joined NCRS today while browsing in guest mode; this subject is exactly the same big question I had on my 69 and why I was here looking around.

                      The only thing I can think left to determine is the approximate cut over date.


                      Steve Hoog
                      Tulsa OK


                      • Joseph H.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • December 10, 2007
                        • 159

                        Re: 1969 L46 manual no AC - expansion tank or not?

                        My early 1969 (sept 68') 350/350 vert L46, M20, No A/C has an expansion tank.

                        Last edited by Joseph H.; July 1, 2009, 05:25 PM.


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