C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

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  • Justin B.
    • March 1, 1996
    • 478

    C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

    I had some members in an earlier post say that I should send my original 1958 outside door handles to be rechromed instead of buying repros. The question is: How would you remove the push buttons so the handles and buttons can be properly rechromed??? I don't think the finished product would look so good without removing the buttons.
  • Edward L.
    • January 1, 1993
    • 278

    Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

    The push button is held in place by a lever that connects to the door open rod. Just twist and remove the lever and the push button will come out along with the spring mechanism.


    • Gary C.
      • October 1, 1982
      • 17404

      Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

      Justin, compare the repro to your original. Most repros do not have the correct angle when the handle meets the door at the bottom below the button. When you put repros on a door they tend to not be level and if you look down the side of the car the repros stand out as being incorrect. JMTCW, Gary....
      NCRS Texas Chapter



      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • December 1, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

        Trim Parts makes the correct set of handles for the C1 Corvette application with the thinner lower boss that sit horizontal on the door as intstalled.


        • John P.
          1956-57 Team Leader
          • May 1, 1992
          • 63

          Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

          The replacement handles recently installed on my '57 have a visually correct configuration as mentioned, but the angle varies from what I would typically expect to see.


          • Ian G.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 4, 2007
            • 1114

            Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

            can someone post pictures of what a correct handle angle would be, vs the incorrect angle and maybe more info about the thinner lip under the button? I have two sets of handles for my 59 and I think both sets are from a passenger car, but one set has softer edges and one has sharper edges. My understanding is "sharper" edges are correct, but also the angle needs to be right...


            • Gary C.
              • October 1, 1982
              • 17404

              Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

              Ian, am working on a template that I will post tomorrow with dimensions. Gary....
              NCRS Texas Chapter



              • Gary C.
                • October 1, 1982
                • 17404

                Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

                Attached is a door handle template. There are two rules of thumb to use for Judging exterior door handles:
                1 - With car level, sight down the side of the car. Rear flat top part of door handle should be parallel with the ground.
                2 - Place your index finger (man's finger) below the pushbutton part of the handle. Your index finger should be able to touch the door skin and the push button. If it doesn't, the handle base is too thick and probably the wrong angle.

                The bottom edge of the door handle push button area is 1/4 inch thick and 1/4 inch wide.

                Angle of the door to the rear flat part of the handle is 30 degrees.

                Hope this helps. Gary....
                Attached Files
                NCRS Texas Chapter



                • Ian G.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • September 4, 2007
                  • 1114

                  Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

                  Hey Gary,

                  The ones I got look like they aren't original based on what you're saying...
                  The angle looks like its slightly tilted upward. The thickness looks to be 1/4 inch, but my index finger cannot push up against the base and feel the door and button at once... is that the test done right? Also, is it true the edges of the handle should be kind of sharp, vs soft? one handle I have has sharp edges and one has soft edges. both seem to have thick button bases...

                  Can you have a look at this picture of the handle currently mounted and see what you think...?
                  Attached Files


                  • Gary C.
                    • October 1, 1982
                    • 17404

                    Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question


                    Would like for you to post a photo taken down the side of the car with the camera held level. From what I can tell from the photo, the base is to thick. Lay your finger (front to rear) under the button and if it doesn't touch the bottom of the button it's probably too thick. If the bottom is too thick generally this will make the door handle angel upward. Hard to say about the sharp or soft edges without seeing the handles. Most originals did not have sharp edges. Have attached a photo of an original door handle on the car to show how flat or parallel to the ground the rear portion of the handle is. Hope this helps. Gary....
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Gary C.; April 22, 2008, 07:20 PM.
                    NCRS Texas Chapter



                    • Ian G.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • September 4, 2007
                      • 1114

                      Re: C1 Outside Door Handle Rechrome Question

                      yeah based on the angle to ground and the thickness of the button base, I think both sets of handles I have are from passenger cars The bottoms don't look thin like the one in your picture... Well, now I know not to get them rechromed at least... :P


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