67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch - NCRS Discussion Boards

67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

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  • Ben C.
    • November 30, 1991
    • 22

    67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

    Good evening all. Can someone please confirm the number of blades for the fan for a 67 B.B. with a.c. The technical manual states that all had five with five rivets. Other sources have stated that all had five except those with a.c. which had seven blades.

    Secondly can someone describe in beter detail the size of the clutch body in inches. The technical manual describes the clutch design and alternate well but not detailed enough for me to begin my search. Finally I heard someone restores fan clutches in Fla. Can someone provide me with some contact information?


    Ben J. Czerniawski (20305)
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

    Originally posted by Ben Czerniawski (20305)
    Good evening all. Can someone please confirm the number of blades for the fan for a 67 B.B. with a.c. The technical manual states that all had five with five rivets. Other sources have stated that all had five except those with a.c. which had seven blades.

    Secondly can someone describe in beter detail the size of the clutch body in inches. The technical manual describes the clutch design and alternate well but not detailed enough for me to begin my search. Finally I heard someone restores fan clutches in Fla. Can someone provide me with some contact information?


    Ben J. Czerniawski (20305)

    Only 5 blade fans for 1967, including L-36 or L-68 with C-60. After 1966, 7 blade fans didn't show up again on Corvettes until some 1969 C-60 applications.

    The fan clutch originally used for your application looked very similar (but not identical) to the clutch still available from GM under GM #3916141.

    Fred Oliva is the "fan clutch guy" from Florida. His e-mail is foliva@gate.net. However, he's very busy; fan clutches are a side-line for him, not his "day job".
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

      Originally posted by Ben Czerniawski (20305)
      Secondly can someone describe in beter detail the size of the clutch body in inches. The technical manual describes the clutch design and alternate well but not detailed enough for me to begin my search.
      Ben -

      The 3-view photo below shows the configuration of the original Eaton-type fan clutch, and the single photo shows the current GM #3916141 replacement, which is essentially identical except for the size of the "bumps" on the face covering the internal reservoirs. The chance of finding an original is beyond dismal, and if you had one it would probably take 18 months or more to have Fred rebuild it. The GM 3916141 is your best shot for a minimal deduction - Paragon and GMPartsDirect.com have them.
      Attached Files


      • Ben C.
        • November 30, 1991
        • 22

        Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

        Dear John Hinckley (29964),

        Thanks, the photos were excellent.


        • Ben C.
          • November 30, 1991
          • 22

          Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

          Dear John Lucia,

          Thanks, your knowledge is endless. You have directed me well.


          • Robert K.
            Very Frequent User
            • June 30, 2001
            • 212

            Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

            I have tried (unsuccessfully) to send an E-Mail to foliva@gate.net. He has a SPAM "controller" that you need to sign in to which I have done. I have sent at least 3 E-Mails to his address without any response (over the last 6 months). Does anyone have an alternate E-Mail address for him or another way to contact him or his business?


            • John H.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • November 30, 1997
              • 16513

              Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

              Originally posted by Robert Kerestes (36438)
              I have tried (unsuccessfully) to send an E-Mail to foliva@gate.net. He has a SPAM "controller" that you need to sign in to which I have done. I have sent at least 3 E-Mails to his address without any response (over the last 6 months). Does anyone have an alternate E-Mail address for him or another way to contact him or his business?
              Fred has a "day job" too, and doesn't regularly check e-mail; pick up the phone and give him a call; (954) 755-1161.


              • Robert K.
                Very Frequent User
                • June 30, 2001
                • 212

                Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch


                Thank you for the phone # - I'll call him. Appreciate your help!



                • Dale C.
                  • October 31, 1999
                  • 844

                  Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

                  I saw yor response to the 67 BB fan question and you stated the seven blade fan skipped "68", even with C60, is that correct? If so my car is wrong. I guess it was modified cause, I'm sure, it works better down here in Texas with seven not five.
                  Dale Carlson(33147)


                  • Joe L.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • January 31, 1988
                    • 43160

                    Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

                    Originally posted by Dale Carlson (33147)
                    I saw yor response to the 67 BB fan question and you stated the seven blade fan skipped "68", even with C60, is that correct? If so my car is wrong. I guess it was modified cause, I'm sure, it works better down here in Texas with seven not five.
                    Dale Carlson(33147)


                    ALL 1968 Corvettes, regardless of engine option or with or without C-60, used the 5 blade GM #3888366 fan blade assembly. Some 1969 Corvettes with C-60 used the 7 blade GM #3955182.

                    In April, 1971 the 3955182 replaced the 3888366 for SERVICE. So, if your car had the fan replaced after that time with a new fan purchased from a GM dealer, it would have been the 3955182. That's very likely the fan you have. If so, it should have the part number embossed on one of the blades. Otherwise, it's some other 7 blade fan.

                    The 3955182 pulls more air than the 3888366 but it will have only a marginal difference in cooling.
                    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                    • Ian H.
                      Frequent User
                      • July 31, 2004
                      • 76

                      Re: 67 B.B. w/ac, info needed re: fan and fan clutch

                      The finned side of the 3916141 in the photo looks like it is darker than what I thought it should be. Shouldn't that rear, finned side have a bright, cast aluminum appearance?

                      Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                      Ben -

                      The 3-view photo below shows the configuration of the original Eaton-type fan clutch, and the single photo shows the current GM #3916141 replacement, which is essentially identical except for the size of the "bumps" on the face covering the internal reservoirs. The chance of finding an original is beyond dismal, and if you had one it would probably take 18 months or more to have Fred rebuild it. The GM 3916141 is your best shot for a minimal deduction - Paragon and GMPartsDirect.com have them.


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