Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I. - NCRS Discussion Boards

Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

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  • Rainer S.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 31, 2003
    • 468

    Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

    I just spend the hole day installing the spark plug wire shielding. I am down to installing the chrome cover over the distributor. I can't figure out how to install the thing. Do I have to remove the top cover on the fuelie dog house ? What else do I have to remove to get the cover installed ? Hope that's all I have to take of.
    What a job that was... In order to get the front (RH and LH side) wires into lower shields, I had to the loosen the engine mount, jack up the engine and get the wires behind the engine mount. I can't believe, GM designed the shielding and routing of the wires in this way. No wonder, the shielding would disapear after the first tune-up...

  • John D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1979
    • 5507

    Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

    Originally posted by Rainer Schwager (39931)
    I just spend the hole day installing the spark plug wire shielding. I am down to installing the chrome cover over the distributor. I can't figure out how to install the thing. Do I have to remove the top cover on the fuelie dog house ? What else do I have to remove to get the cover installed ? Hope that's all I have to take of.
    What a job that was... In order to get the front (RH and LH side) wires into lower shields, I had to the loosen the engine mount, jack up the engine and get the wires behind the engine mount. I can't believe, GM designed the shielding and routing of the wires in this way. No wonder, the shielding would disapear after the first tune-up...

    Rainer, Yes that cover is the pits to install. That's why we see so much damage to the back side of the plenum lids and plenums, etc.
    Grab yourself two file folders. Lay one against the plenum and the other against the firewall area. Then you can man handle the worthless distr cover on.
    On the other hand why put it on. I mean it's a POC. You are asking for trouble. If you are getting your car judged NCRS the judging chairman makes a speech telling you to remove your distributor shielding,etc. So put the thing behind your seat and forget about it.
    Jerry Bramlett and I talked about this and he agreed with me or I agreed with him that if a customer puts the distr shield on he or she can expect to have ignition misses which of course are the fault of the FI unit. John D


    • William C.
      NCRS Past President
      • May 31, 1975
      • 6037

      Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

      Didn't a famous NCRS Philosopher and FI Expert (Brian Futo) say once that "It's amazing how many Fuel Injection problems are fixed with a good Tunu-up"
      Bill Clupper #618


      • Bob R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 30, 2002
        • 1595

        Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

        Just a note of warning on the installation of the top shield. Make absolutly certain that you do not allow the top shield to hit the wire connections on the coil. If installed properly the coil connections should run parrallel to the shield. If you start the engine with the connections touching you will melt your wiring harness. Now how do you think I found that out?


        • Rainer S.
          Very Frequent User
          • May 31, 2003
          • 468

          Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

          Thanks everybody. That's exactly what I am going to do, leave the thing off. The cover is to beautifully polished by Gordon Duda, that I hate to get it scatched-up. And how can I be sure the cover does not touch the coil wires like Bob mentioned...
          I think the engine bay will look just fine with the cover off. And when the car is ready to be judged (?) the cover will be behind the seats for all to see.
          And I will be able to tune my car, which I am sure i will need to do once in a while. But I like Johns's suggestion about the file folder trick. Never would have thought about it ...



          • John D.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 30, 1979
            • 5507

            Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

            Rainer, Your package arrived safely. Thankyou.
            We used to put a lot of black tape or duct tape on the inside of those distributor shields. Helped a lot. Copper spark plug wires help a lot also. John D.


            • Rainer S.
              Very Frequent User
              • May 31, 2003
              • 468

              Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

              You have a lot of really good tips on how to do things... I see, how the cover should be installed. I will leave it of for now, until the car has been driven and after the judging, then I will install it, and i am sure, it will be go on OK, using your tips...
              It will look cool, with the cover on...



              • Stuart F.
                • August 31, 1996
                • 4676

                Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.

                Is this a problem unique to F.I. engines? I know you are playing around with some clearances that are tighter than on my 340 HP, but it is hard to fathom that they are that much different. Doesn't the plastic shield inside the cover insulate well enough? I always thought that Chevy should have used 90 degree connectors and boots on those distributor connections, but what do I know. Maybe they weren't available then.



                • Rainer S.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • May 31, 2003
                  • 468

                  Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.


                  The clearance problem with the dist. cover is unique on the F.I. car, because the F.I. doghouse sticks up higher than the reg. carb and is close to the distributer, with-in 1 in. The space between the back side of the air intake box and the rim where the hood rests is only 4.75" and the width of the cover is 6.25" not counting the clip !
                  So, you see it's a challenge to get the cover installed.
                  But, I will squeeze it together, while sliding it down over file covers like John D. suggested.
                  But, it will stay off till somewhere in the future...
                  Sorry for the late replay, but I was in California last week and just now get to answer my messages'...



                  • Stuart F.
                    • August 31, 1996
                    • 4676

                    Re: Install distributor chrome cover on 63 F.I.


                    Sounds like fun. Guess I didn't quite comprehend the problem and really I should. The 63 Vette seems to be a relatively small and simple car in compared to those of today, but in reality it can be a son-of-gun to work on - even to wash! (that grill!). My experiences with Fuelies has been with earlier units with the smaller Plenum, so guess I couldn't relate to the 63.



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